Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Images of Ibiza

The Images of Ibiza are beautiful and different, from the life I had in Costa Rica. The food is devine, and so cultured. Lots of it is reminsence of my childhood, growing up in an Italian American flavored enviroment. We eat lots of Olive oil, breads, tomato, olives, with oregano. My childhood was a good one, and daily I have reflections of it when I spend time with Cathy and hear her stories. Eat her food, and share moments.

Yesterday was a day of many thoughts, I love my dancing, it went ok. It was not what I thought but that is fine. I enjoyed the 40 minutes that I worked for nearly nothing. The place is fabulous, but the crowd is one of Upper crust, with noses in the air. I don't care I had a nice time. So I was thinking about this, and about all the images here, the efforts I have made in looking for work. I am sure its not just here the whole world is in depare. But I had a really effected day yesterday. The details I will explain in a later blog.

The air here is very warm, lots of breezes but it is only fresh in the shade. The smells of people cooking because of the heat really fill's your nose and the air.
So daily you can smell onions of Garlic brazing, and fish or strong meats. Its lovely honestly.

The hillsides are present every where from any stand point that you are looking, they are not high altitudes, but are high enough that when you are on top your vista is of most of the Island. These hillsides are dabbled with pure white square or rectangular architecture. These purely Spanish style houses fit right into the mountainsides. On the mountains the pine trees, are mixed with almonds, figs, Grapes,Olives and plums.
Orange trees fill the lower level's along with almonds. On hot days the clouds are not white because of the dirty water in Africa, I was told the collection of the water from that area makes the clouds here grey almost dirty looking and rest on top of the low mountains, and are sprinkled about in the mainland. All the Ibecincans say that it is a sign of how hot it will be tomorrow. They almost have a pink tinge at times.

I am enjoying the simple pleasures the cultural structure that Cathys family has, but I am not enjoying the fact that I am still out of work. It is pressing on me heavily.. aside from that the pleasure I find daily is what I see, and how I have learned about this Ibizan life.

I really enjoy the streets in the old port area, tiny pathways for walking mixed with apartments or flats, and piso's they say and below, restuarants, bars, stores shops and various old artisans. The forms too are all square or rectangular, and mostly white in colors, with splashes of vibrant boganvillias here and there and a catus thrown in for a different texture.

My eating with Cathy, Abuela, and Jaime has become a ritual. I enjoy and am very greatful for her generosity and hospitality. They feel as if I am part of there family. With Ivan always with me, around me. Eating in my house, playing. And me trying to lend a hand to help in whatever I can to repay for now her offers of food.

One day we went for a ride, I looked at the mountainsides and thought this description and how to remember the feeling I have when I see this place, But the best was stopping in the countryside the way we did when my mother and father were alive running into a field and picking fresh fruit rapidly and running into the car.
Cahty and I did just that. We stopped, picked fresh figs and ran fast back to the car.
Later we refrigerated them, the sweet black skin and pale pink flesh inside is scrumptious with bits of goat cheese stuffed in the middle.We enjoy this as a dessert many times now. I look so forward to that, it makes me remember my mother.

And how I wish she was still with me.

One day Cathy went away for a long time, when she returned she had buckets upon buckets of fresh plums yellow and red. It came from her property in San Miguel. Oranges too but not many and they were small, its not the season, but generous as she is offered me a huge plate. I have been suckling on these for more than a week now.

I really want work, I want to do something very nice for Cathy, she is always thinking about me, worries that I don't eat and offers daily. I honestly love her. Its not just the generosity its her ways, additude, sometimes she is snotty. I love it, not with me but with Jaime. I can tell who really is the boss.

Abuela, truly loves me she is always hugging me, telling Ivan to be nice to me. She spanks him, she is the only one that does. Abeula is filled with stories, and shares food experiences with me too. She is forever in the garden, working in her black clothes still carring on the old tradition of Older European women who wore black.
My Nonnie wore black all the time that was the way. When you are past a certain age no longer in young fresh colors. I tried to tell her Abuela we live in 2008 you can wear what you want. So Occasionally she will put on a colorfull blouse but not often.

I know when I leave this place its going to super difficult. Cathy will be heart broken, she is always around me always asking me to do this and that with her, I think she knows something is not right, at the moment.

But That much later maybe tomorrow I explain:

I had a job offer for cleaning a mansion on Sats its long hours not much but i need work. I took it, plus this gal I met from Englands boy friend wants me to clean his place too. But the experiences so far?>>> WAIT AND SEE is what I say?

David called me on Monday afternoon, I was in town, returning some shoes I bought, and talking to two more places. He wanted me to come clean his house, I asked for a later time he said no. I said How about tomorrow morning, I have a job interview and after I can come and clean... Tues came, I went to the interview, nothing much about that, Walked to Davids and he was busy told me to come back later. He messaged about nine at night said sorry come tomorrrow which is today. I was about ready to walk over when Cathy said call him. Good thing because he was not home and said maybe Friday.

ITS IBIZA, but as far as the images, the sites, the real people, the food its a great place.


Anonymous said...

You should move back to the US. Obama is going to be Presidant soon and all will be well!

Anonymous said...

You're too talented to be a house cleaner, besides, how will that even help you with retirement?