Thursday, July 10, 2008

My space

The Apt is so nice, Its small the smallest space I believe I have lived in but its perfect for one person. I would love to own a place like this. I keep it very clean, I try to be orderly for only myself. I have only had two visitors since I lived here. One was Maekala and the other Simon.

Simon is not longer working at the beach, Someone turned up his equipment loud the night of the Championship Soccer, the police came and took the equipment. Causing him to loose his job. He is very upset, I don't blame him it wasn't his doings. He had warned people that the police had set rules for the volume, but the people who work Talamanca are, lets say abusers. Twice I had money stolen, and I am sure a few of my clothings and some shoes, were taking when I stayed there. This is now a normal thing for hotels. The workers feel free to take what they chose and no one knows who did it. Simon now may return to London. I will miss him, He has not brought his laundry over in two weeks. So I hope he hasn't left with out saying good bye.

Maekala, I have't seen since the nail trial.

Mostly Its just me here, with Cathy and Of course Ivan.

I sent a note to my grandson, he has a my space, I was suprised to see it. But I dont know if mama has read the notes to him yet. My space is cool, I like it. But MY REAL SPACE HERE IS very nice.

I think I am going to the beach today, I need some time to think, and meditate. Resolve some things that are going on in my mind. But first I will practice my dance its great exercise. Something about oriental Dance, it is technical, takes lots of concentration, and really works on all parts of the body. The memory that the muscles have to do the moves in time is amazing.

Today is a contemplative day, one of full on positive thinking to change my path.

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