Monday, July 14, 2008

Beauty in Unusual things Part II

Some of the smaller yatchs, These are huge to me but they say there smaller
Caracoles, in art form
cosmos in the night
Rustic style spanish home with turret
Caracoles I see a heart

The port and me
My bathroom and me
Spanish Hams

This is near my house, all the hams cured in salt and aged at least one year
I am trying to remember as much as I can before I leave, I have such a wonderfull feeling about the people who have taken me in the past three months. Cathy Jaime, Ivan have become a great second family. I want some how to thank them for all they have done with me and for me. We eat together every day and night, out doors in the dark with candles at midnight. Tonight Jaime suggested to take me to the port and walk around see the people look at things and eat. Tomorrow is his birthday we are going back to San Gurtrudies to have a celebration with family. They have taken me under their wing so kind and generous, I thank god for them. Cathy has literally opened her door to me any time I want to come back, She wants me back soon and stated it. She said confidently MARIANNA YOU WILL BE BACK WITH US.

In the Port:

We went walked for more than an hour, a little borning because there were so many things I wanted to buy for gifts and I didn't have cash. We ate at a typical Tapas, bocadillo restuarant,and then came right home , they rushed off to bed, and now I am cleaning things out and putting it the suitcases.

But back to Today:

Still pondering COSTA RICA, I really do miss it allot. My eating habits there, were very different, I realize in going to the USA where there is so much fast foods, chemical riden fruits and veggies, I am going to be very difficult selecting what I eat. I enjoyed so much the variety of fruits, fruits I never imagined exsisted. Unusual shapes, colors flavors and so many remedies from them and other vegetables, herbs.

There is something called Nonnie, I had photos of it a potato looking root, with many profound eyes on its pale skin. You take this cut it up and boil it, and then cool off the liquid, add a little sugar, ice and drink it as jugo, or here a zumo, Juice. It is suppose to cure cancer, and many other infirmaties. It helped several people I have known there and myself. There is much to learned from nature. The ticos use nature for cures.
For sure all the beauty, plants, flowers, bananas, palms, cocos, animals, such as the monkeys iguanas, parrots, peacocks. Will be etched in my mind for the rest of my life. The early morning walks on the Miros moutain, that leads you straight into the junlge is a life changing experience in itself. I remember the first time I took Clint there, how he was amazed at the bird, wild life, and plant life. We sat in the dirt under the shade of enormus bananas,in the early morning watching butterflies the size of your hand float through the thick humid air, painted an irredesent blue and black, then tiny little delicate red ones flit about the Iguanas that were bathing in the sunlight. Clint was in total amazment, Me too although I had experienced it many times before it still amazed me and delight's me now to think about it .
Everytime I walked in the jungle there On Miros Mountain, I saw new and different things. It was always a spiritual moment for me.

I believe this will help me in dealing with Vancouver, when I feel down, I must rememeber hot hot beaches and how warm it was climbing up the roads in the jungle, seeing dozens of monkeys playing and feeding in the morning. Hearing Tucans calling each other from the highest points of the enormous tree tops.
And of course recalling all the interesting people I met and made friends with. I sure hope it helps me when the weather is cold, rainy dreary. This is something that is very difficult before for me to deal with.
Only two more days and I return. But it will be so nice to see the Boys, the girls, My Kelsey and My Julian!


Anonymous said...

Italiana you know who Im God you look great (cabrona ) I just want to thank you for your beautiful coments about (paradise) Costa Rica know we want you back we do love you and missssss you .

Pura vida !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hola from Steve in Florida,

sorry you have to leave, but I'm not surprised, most of Europe is having a bad time with lots of unemployment, unrest about undocumented immigrants and falling property values, just as we are dealing here. You should visit South Florida sometime, with your language skills and love of latin culture, warm climate, it might be a good choice.. many thanks for your travel blog, and your candid good will. Good luck!
hasta luego