Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hope to go to the USA

Raining allot right now, not cold at all but raining. I am sitting in Rosie's waiting to talk to Brandon on the video chat. The past week was slow again, we did book a house to the whole thing its on the beach so that is going to be a very laid back nice job, because we have the leisure to just wonder out front to the waves for a while and return to putting the house together! how nice to have that luxury.

I beached it twice this week so the tan is looking good not like magda!! but good. I am enjoying wearing a bathing suit for once in my life.
Sunday was nice quiet peace full totally Pura Vida. I watched surfers most of the day, unless the rest I laid in the sun and just basked.. it was great.

Yesterday a new client I met some time ago actually it was three guys from LA California, and they purchased homes here in Esterillos. We were suppose to get together and discuss the homes and the design but there is a delay in the schedule of completion. So it looks like Oct till I get to plunge into that. That was disappointing, but at least some hope for the future travajo! ( work)

Nothing on the love front but I sure do get allot more attention now, Clint gets totally disgusted with the smiles, complements, and whistles.. not to mention linda, guapa, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrica, and more.. it is interesting. The Men here are not oppressed about looking smiling and saying what they feel. Something very different from the USA. I found that the men would hardly give you a glance, people are afraid to look at you especially in the eyes. But here is not the case.. Really its almost shocking to those who are not use to it. Never boring I can tell you that much.
But other than the Lear's, and looks nothing good yet.

I am hoping to go the USA I want to see the kids and just hang out with a couple of my friends. But we will see what happens... Work is not that great the timing seems to be wrong...

1 comment:

vegasnights said...

I quit posting comments because everytime I wanted to comment I had to resign up on the Blog and go through the whole process of signing up. Too much work..Hope your doing well. I have been getting ready to make my trip to CR by year end..No date as of yet but I see the light.....Realestate is still very slow here in the states..Lots of forclosures..market is still flat and out of balance...Too many houses not enough buyers..I am sure that this will stay this way for another year or so. That might be the reason why it is slow in C/R also..
I know that your enjoying your new bod and feeling alot better but just remember that I am a guy and I can tell you the same thing that I told my girls when they were of age.....All guys are dogs...except me of course/////there's this woman who talkes about men and women and the power of their genetalis... she is on you tube. if you do a search on you tube and search (penis power) you will more than likely find her. Very interesting she has a few clips and one is about 9 min long. highly recomended.....