Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is coming and it doesn't even feel like it here!

Its nearing the holiday and I have no feelings of Christmas at all. We have been so dang busy that I am spinning like a top here. We finally finished the Macaw project well the five Condos they gave me to do. IT WAS STUNNING If I say so my self! We used browns tans and creams, some whites. All the furnishings accept accessories were designed by me, and manufactured here in Costa Rica. I am trying to use only local people and not import any products at all, there fore supporting the country and their local talented artisans, and craftsman's. It was a tough week, things coming in wrong, late and no installation on the 15 plasmas I had to buy. Along with DVDs Cd's clocks and Stereos.

Tony thought he could do it him self, we had a huge fight about this. He just doesn't get the drift of huge projects or design. I kept telling him we need installers, but he insisted that he could do it, which he did but it took two days and the people were coming while he was doing it. I was not a happy girl. We had lots of issues as jobs go but we manage to do all the holiday decorating including making hand made wreaths decorate a 10 foot tree, poinsettias, and dress and design 5 custom condos with everything included, I mean everything!

It was a whirlwind, filled with stress, and heat and sweat, and nervousness, but we did it and it was fabulous. The opening night was a huge success, I did all the flowers for the tables , buffet, and bar on top of that! Wow but it was cool. lots of people showed up, the candles were burning around the pool, and all over the grounds, Music was playing and then the Mariachis showed up! later after dinner and drinks the fireworks went off on the beach to Christen the whole event! We felt like such super stars.. it was the coolest ever!
The following day was our open house, so once again I had all that prep work to do, food, and flowers, and get the store ready for the grand opening. We had a DJ, and lots of tables and chairs out front. Candles in bags, and candles in Martini glasses. Tropical flowers everywhere. The food was pretty good too. I had a full bar, and we had about 50 guests show up.

This is the reason I have had no time to write or do anything for that matter, not even clean my house wash clothes nothing. Now with Tony and Clint staying there it seems ever so small. I need to move. I really want my space, Tony needs to get a place of his own, Clint and I can hang for a while till he gets sick o me or me o him!

The office is looking good, we have exclusive art from Bill Tortorici, very famous artist who has sold to some very distinguished people, and Rock stars. I have about four extraordinary pieces in the store now. VERY EXPENSIVE PIECES, they are all available now though us. We actually have an exclusive with him as well as ST REGIS RESORT. So I guess were doing ok here?

I have no plans for Christmas at all, I don't really feel it either. Clint mentioned something about us going to the beach and drinking a bottle of Champagne and hanging out. Then I got the Idea that it would be fun to go to Manuel Antonio for the Christmas day, where the beach is rather white and the water is crystal. The ride to Manuel is really pretty so that should be an interesting ride as well.

I don't know I think it may be fun? different, but I do miss my kids and Wish them a MERRY CHRISTMAS and Pray that they are safe and well. Jordan lost his job, after almost three years of working for this little Italian food and pizza place. I know he was very depressed since it happened right before Christmas, but I told him he could tear down the lodge and I would give him all the money, and if he did Sharp he would earn that money too. I have to help him who will? I know how tough life can be, he needs to use wisdom in his life maybe things will change? The first thing I would suggest is to Move out of Woodland Washington, nothing much happening there as far as jobs. But for some reason they like it.

Clint seems to be enjoying life here but he has experienced an aw full lot of stress though the shop and the Macaw project. Now its settling down. Were doing two houses left in LA FLOR and then I do not know? I got a call from Ramada to do there landscape design for the sales office here, I met the president of the group he was interesting, and handsome! god it was everything in me to not just burst out and ask him if he was married. But I kept it professional, then I asked for the huge project to do the resort design for the grounds. Funny thing is, the archetect that did our mall, Did Macaw as well and when he found out I was the one who did the MaCAW he pranced right over here to introduce me to himself, compliment me and tell me he has many projects that he knows I will be the perfect fit for. So he invited me after the first of the year to come to San Jose and talk about other possible projects with there company. Come to find out He too is involved with Ramada. So who knows? Destiny? for Marianna to come to COSTA RICA? or insanity? hmm do I have to think about that?!!! People thought I was nuts, and I am sure some of them still do, HA but honestly I know what is happening here, and I am very happy that I listened to my heart and that little still voice inside of me.. FOLLOW YOUR HEART is what I say to others Follow your heart.

Costa Rica is different, very frustrating in the manor of business, but If I can just get through this, and learn how to work it, I just may be ok. I have great photos, and as soon As Jonathan my new computer tech and photographer for our work comes I will have him post now all the terrrifc photos of the past weeks.

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