Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Catching up!

It has been so busy every since I got back from the USA, Clint and I have been enjoying each others company. Clint is so loving Costa Rica, I wonder if Tony feels strange, he doesn't say but I think he might feel a little uncomfortable around us at times. We spent the last week, working on the office, getting it done so we can open its almost here maybe another day or so!! its looking so nice and very professional.

We had to Go to San Jose to shop for Holiday decor for Macaw, because the owner asked us to decorate it for the holiday opening, so on Sat we rode into San Jose and stopped several places on the way to pick up plants and poinsettias.

It was a nice trip, we also went to the Zoo there in La Garita, where we saw all sorts of birds and animals that exist in Costa Rica. The planting was so perfect, the jungle encroached upon the whole zoo making it so magical and almost dream like. The foliage's and different textures combined with floral, and animals was such a beautiful thing to see. The climate there is really nice a bit humid but yet cool and fresh. It was so nice to take a couple of hours of rest and pleasure to rebuild my spirits and refresh my mind, considering all the stress of the past couple of weeks. No time for me at all, so this was a nice little bit of paradise to enjoy for the moment.

We also went to the orchid farm there in Atenas, it was small but very many varieties were available. I purchased a few things for the office. We really enjoyed that stop as well.

Orchids are some of my most favorite flowers, amongst Lily's and gardenias. The orchid is such a complicated yet simple plant. There are thousands of varieties here in Costa Rica, and many that originated here. I have actually seen many in the wild that are incredible.

I especially love the red or purple orchids the best or the varieties that are so different and strange with curly petals or unusual colors added to them.

After those stops, we continued to Alluejuela to search for holiday decor, then on to San jose To find more decor. We finally finished about 7:00 when we dropped off Tony and went on home to Jaco.

The following night Clint and I went out to the Monkey bar and danced till midnight, but they closed early because of an election for the weekend of officials . So all the places that served liquor was closed for the weekend. It sure was evident, there were hardly any people in the town of Jaco and the streets were clean and quiet. We swam and had a nice warm Sunday afternoon then finished with going to the Store to put the tree up and decorate the store, then to Rosies to people watch later.

The begining of this week was hectic again, as Macaw is about to finish and we are expecting all the custom furniture that I designed for the five units we are doing now. Clint and I finished more decor in office and talked to a new friend who just bought a furniture store close to me. He is an American and we plan on joining forces websites, and products.. so we can be stronger. Hes a nice guy his name is Ed, totally shaved head big brown eyes, funny additude... pretty nice person so far! I hope it works out with him it would be nice to have a close connection for furniture.

Tomorrow is Tony's birthday, I need to figure out something to do for him and wish him well. Maybe Juan Carlos and I will do something nice for him. Tonight while while Tony and the furniture makers, filled the condos with the new furniture Clint and I went to a new soda close to the office and mall, its all outdoors clean and the food is great. I had garlic mahi mahi with fresh sauteed veggies and beet salad. Clint had beet salad, rice and beans chicken and sea food soup. My dinner cost me $3.00 dollars Clints was $6.00, we both were so full. Then we returned to the showroom to find the granite guy was fixing the bar in the showroom. Juan Carlos was on the phone and Tony was still in Jaco. I decided to internet and try to catch up with the days I have missed bloggin. Maybe now in the next few days after Macaw I can settle down and get into a routine about my life again...

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