Friday, February 10, 2006

Weeks Synopsis

I wrote this once but we have been having power outages this past week and it destroyed the whole story or the daily blog let me try it again.

Monday was an early day I had to go to San Jose for a doctor’s appointment to check on the ankles status, and I was about to see Milo for the first time since we had a huge blow out. I have not seen him since Oct. Douglas was going to take me but his work was way over loaded so I suggested that Liz borrowed the car maybe picked up Milo her Husband on the way and we drive into San Jose all together. Milo is the name of her husband as well. Douglas brought the car around 7:30 I was about ready to leave the appointment was at 11:00 but Milo was at a Finca above Ortina a small cow town just north east of here. The Finca is a farm in the mountains that is very steep he has been staying there for a while working on. So we took a round about road winding up hill and around valleys and even went over a swinging bridge that is one car wide. I was upset and worried about my house and the foot, the meeting of my Milo and was wondering why we had to take this long round about way. But the ride was so pretty even though I was uncomfortable, it was beautiful..

We picked up Milo in this Mountain town, and then proceeded to go down the hills to San Jose. We came in through a back road, but ended up right at the hospital! When we got there Milo was waiting My Milo so I introduced Milo to Milo an Liz too. They put me in a wheel chair and we went up the third floor to see the doctor. I waited for a while and though, hmmm I better go in there alone as the doctor thought, at one point that Douglas was my husband. I went in he helped me up on the bed, and then took a saw and cut open, both sides of the cast, he made these rectangles and removed them. Then he pulled all the old bloody gauze out , then sprayed liquid nitrogen in there to freeze the incisions and then poked around and cleaned it up. Packed it again with clean gauze and took the pieces of cast put them back into place and taped all around it. He asked me who the man was out in the lobby I said my friend from NEW MEXICO, and that other were my friends from Jaco, then he asked where my husband was. I knew he meant Dougie. I said he is working and laughed. He sent me out with the foot being very sore and tender. But the prognosis was that, it is healing perfectly and the incisions looked very good. Said in one more week this cast can come off and hopefully put a walking one on!! Yeah I pray it happens as I need to the wedding at Villa Caletas!

We all then went into the cafeteria and had some lunch Milo’s were talking and liz and her hubby had some veggie sandwiches while Milo and I had salads. Then out of nowhere I had a tap on my left shoulder. It was Alejando, this man who is wanting me to start up a business similar to my own in the states and help with the development of it here in Costa Rica. I had to beg off on the offer to go and look at sites that day as the foot was way to sore and
I did not feel like crutching around town after that. We ended up making another appointment for the following week I said goodbye to Milo he said he was busy and he would see me on Friday in Jaco., so Friday it is..

The ride home was a good one the way we went was the same round about way but I saw so many pretty views that many people never get the opportunity to see. The Trees are in bloom up there the orange and the yellow and the pink, the whole trees covered with lots of bloom’s ever so pretty!! The view ‘s were incredible so I was happy on the way back. The mango stands and fruit stands were all along the way, dotted here and there in hillside towns. Basket stands and more! If I was well I would have begged to stop and look, next time!

We got home just in time for the community action counsel meeting at 6:00 so we flew over there in Doug’s car. But the meeting was so far back in the hotel
I had to crutch like forever…
I was so exhausted , but I made it, listen to the meeting reported what
I was suppose to be doing for them, that I had accomplished finding rice sacks for the la ferria.
Went back met Doug and had a beer with him at the colonial. Red this guy from New York was there. Douglas is building his house for him and its going to be in Architectural digest, I hope to god I get my hands in it some how!! Red is cool he is this red haired Italian man in his fifties long hair, so funny! He is a hair colorist and he is just wild! He and I laughed so hard, then Doug took me home.

The following day was bad, for some reason I was having a bad day, head ache foot ache just ache…. Doug came and got me to internet at this house and relax in the recliner, I talked to my daughter in law on line and my sis for a long time… we went and ate chicken but I didn’t feel good the power was out all day so no internet after that. The power finally came on around 5:00 so we went to Poseidon to have dinner. I had a filet mignon, and it was delicious!
Doug took me of course, he is my angel and Sean was with us.

He saw this girl there that he thought was beautiful so I told him to go and tell her that.. then as he got close he could see she was so young and so made up he was turned off..
Went home to bed, but in the middle of the night I got up to go potty and did a face plant on the floor. It was hard to get up but I did and hurt my shoulder.
The next day I was feeling much better. I cleaned up as well as I could its hard on crutches. I took a shower on one leg wow that was tough, but I did it, and the other leg was burning like a torch! But got out and waited on Doug, he took me to town to eat, and then to his house where Red was, I sat outside and internetted and watched the crew work and sing and bang on the house next door. The birds were flying all over and I saw a huge flock of peach faced parrots land in the timber bamboo next door. It was a huge flock, they make allot of noise they chatter and scream. So cute! Then red talk to me some more and we hung out for a while till Douglas came back.

Then in the evening we went to this great place I love to eat at. It is in Tarcoles, near Villa Coletas, its on the sea it’s a fish place where the boats come in and sell the fish to the restaurant. We had cocktails, beers, and hors de orves, a whole sea bass friend ummmmmmm delicious… and lobster and shrimp in garlic and butter. Not to mention the ceviche before hand. The whole thing came to 39 bucks for the three of us… Wow

So good so fun and so beautiful there… RIGHT ON THE WATER I MEAN TO TELL YOU THE WAVES SPLASH YOU. After we went to CafĂ© Del Mar Rosie’s place to visit with the girls and have some socializing, Doug has been so great taking me there almost every night for at least 40 mins so I can keep in touch with people… Then today I woke and felt pretty good I sat in the sun early around 7:30 and then watered the plants as best as I could with crutches… we don’t know how important our legs and feet are until your handicapped and can’t do things I sure do appreciate all I can do because it is so difficult and takes twice if not three times the the length of time to do things.. I mopped the floors that was fun NOT! Then I showered made the bed and by that time it was 12:30.
Normally that would be about a hour… then Doug picked me up and brought me to his place to internet and rest. Then he is taking me to the La Ferria so I can buy some food for the week, but not allot he doesn’t want me to cook standing on one the leg its too hard yet…

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