Saturday, February 04, 2006

God What a bloody mess yesterdays blog was... Terrible spelling terrible writting. But Due to 7 pins, a plate and rod what can I say? I expect to be doing much better soon with all this Blogging stuff.

I have to say the foot is better today, as I am forced by my friends to keep off it, and elevated it.

I had to double up on Medications yesterday, but mind you the medications they give are nothing like what I have experienced in the states. They gave me some meds, that were basically tylenol 500 with 30 percent Codine. I really know my body, I have a high pain tollerance, so I am not the kind to take a bunch of medications to help me. But the pain that I am experiencing must be really high., in order for me to be taking this much.

Generally you would take some sort of strong medication to keep the inflamation down and cut the pain. So I guess what I am saying is that I felt so bad the past two days that Doug made a decision to take me to this place to have them take a look and discuss with me what can be done. Inturn we found out that that what they perscribed was low level pain killers,so this darling doctor that spoke to me decided to ammend the drugs. What she did prescibe was this unusual little pill that does nothing to your mind nor does it make you feel sick, or drunk or high. All it did was work with the other medication to stop all the pain instantly!! YEAH... I slept so much better, but only after Doug and I sat on the front porch and talked for hours about life and what we wanted out of what we felt was left of life for us.

He is really a wonderfull man, I want to say to all the readers who wrote me today that I appreciate you saying THANK GOD FOR DOUG!! I want to take some photos of him and his son Shawn, his operation and tell you more about what they do and how things are developing for them and why they are such great people.

I only woke up once in the middle of night with excruitiating pain and had to try to fumble about finding the meds in the night, tonight its by the bed for sure! I had a quiet morning No roosters, no dogs slept late to wake up by the phone call of Douglas, wanting to know if I was alright then Rosie called she owns the Cafe Del mar, I took a shower but ohhhooooooo got water in the cast as I was standing up in there for about 20 minutes, the water felt so good. Later he picked me up and took me to Rosies, we did the rounds. Here in Jaco everyone rides around seeing each other waving saying hi, talking and socializing. We sat at Rosies, talk to Cliff, and few other people. The Election is this weekend so all the bars are closed, and some of the stores and restuarants.
The Trucks with speakers are driving around loud blasting, the dogs are barking, the kids are yelling and well the streets are alive with action.

The Cars and trucks with Flags of the parties are driving around honking and peeping and people are stocking up on Wine beer and booze. Nothing opens till Monday afternoon, So super bowl Sunday For Americans and Canadians is going to be a tough one... not many parties. DUMB REALLY With all these people you would think they would be open. But they don't like anyone to be intoxicated, as if that is going to stop them???? or have any altercations because of who is elected??? YEAH RIGHT!!! I cracked up watching the people, it was fun being out and in the streets.
I ate late breakfast around 12:00 of pinto de gallo beans and rice, and huevos con queso, Eggs and cheese. I had Rosies special Iced coffee that I love so much.

After this Doug informed me that he, Shawn and Kingsley have thought about adding me to the team. Doug took me up to some properties over looking Jaco and showed me some sights that he will be building. I think I am going to be a part of this too... GOD IF everything that I have gotten offered come's through here I am going to be one little busy Italiana designer! This makes like five offers in less than two weeks. Which one will transpire?

The properties are spectacular, It was awe inspiring to see the town from that level.
I took some photos but I am not privy to showing them yet untill we work out the details on how they will get sold and what they want for them. But I know I will be the one that will be the contact person for these beautiful properties.

Then I wanted Gelato, so Doug drove me to the Italian Gelato place in the center of Jaco, Seems to me that this is own by some very swarthy gentleman. I like there Ice cream anyhow! I had coconut sorbet, pineapple and watermelon. While we were sitting there some car drove by thinking that Doug was Anthony Hopkins, they yelled out look its Anthony Hopkins and he just smiled and waved. He does look an awefull lot like him.

Then back to the recliner to rest the leg internet and then dinner at Monica's a very small Italian place, the caprise was just ok, I am not impressed with the mozzerella here, I have not found one that taste right to me. I had pene with capers, olives red sauce and garlic. Not to bad concidering a Tico did it... too tomatoey for me not cooked enough. We then went to Rosie's as I promised her I would come and visit. she has missed my daily visits to her place. I did see Eida Early and well she was tan and looked a bit tired. I guess she is having allot of problems with her work the properties and people. She said she was going to bring the girls over Tomorrow so that will be nice to see them and spend some time with my girls I miss so much.

I did see her husband Joey, the blonde American recognizable no matter where he is, walking down the road just past pops. He grabbed my hand and wished me well I could see in his face that he was sad by my injury. Ihope that He and Eida get things straightened out soon, Eida look's worn, I do miss her.

Super bowl Sunday is Tomorrow, interesting to see what this town does.

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