Friday, February 03, 2006

The sunset from my room, the Imperial concert with the regaeton

The lady at the la Ferria who I buy all my lettuce and some veggies from, that head is huge about 75 cents. Big daddy crocodillios.

I have not posted in days so much has been going on I believe that the last one was about me cooking for the coffee shop that had to be cancelled because of this huge regaeton concert that was thrown on the beach here by Imperial.
They choose every year a beach and I guess this year was Jaco so we cancelled the dinner. The beaches were littered with people and trash. I never in my life seen so many people or trash.

I had gone to Orotina with Doug on Saturday to get some materials for his job but I ended up shopping and got some candles and some undergarments. Orotina has the best prices and it has things no one has in Jaco. We got to talk about allot of things on the way, the wedding I will be doing his projects and saw the crocks lots of crocks GOD I WAS SCARED... but he asured me they didn't like Italian! We ate Ice cream in Ortina and just walked around looking at things. This town is a cow town, farm village lots of fruits and veggies grown there actually the biggest Pineapples I ever saw! Its nothing fancy just a simple little town with a town center where all the stores are inclosed and the people have to look through counters to buy things. I can't understand the concept and Its hard to shop, I dont know what to look for or where and how do you see it behind a huge counter? Its hard to explain but some how I will take a photo and show it.

We came back to see all the people, and Sunday was worst. We ended up going to the beach on Sat night to see the concert but there were no bands only disco, and dancers... strange ok huge set up and no bands no body out there lots of food and lots of loud loud disco. I didn't like it so we left. There were guys bbqing on the rims of tires, yes using tire rims to cook? ok that was weird, creative but strange and they were welded on to shopping carts! I had to look, they were making terriaki steak and chicken? OK???

The following day Sunday I woke to tons of people even behind my apartment and its lawn to the beach? I couldn't believe this.... busses everywhere cars and an hour and 45 to get to town? wow.... it takes like 5 minutes from my house on the bike. We decided to post pone due to all the onloookers and the dinner wouldnt not be private like we had intended it to be.

I tried like heck to get Kens ticket delayed as he had no phone and no internet and was hoping I could help him so instead of preparing for the dinner Ken and Iwent over to del mar and tried to change his ticket but he bought a cheap one and they refused to do it without a fee.

Well anyway the dinner was cancelled, and I was suppose to do it on Monday, It was a hot monday I got up early cleaned up everything and began to get things together for the day.

I called Doug and asked if he could pick up my things to take to Rosies while I went to find linens and had my hair cut. He agreed to do it even with his busy schedule. He is a builder here, he invented this cool system of concrete, which make condo, house or huge buildings easy to construct. The name of his company is Modern Structures Jaco. Its a very interesting process that he developed and Its really becoming popular here as it makes good sense and it is a cost effective way to build and its fast! So saying all that Doug is busy but he took time for me.

I showered and got all dressed in white shorts and a pink shirt with butterflies on it.. got on the bike and rode down the Costa Nera, its the main road, this road is far better to ride on than any of the Jaco streets these days. I was coming downt this hill the road is steep I was going pretty fast, when this car came across the intersection and clipped my bike I didn't really see it it happened so fast but it did knock me down and Well I manage to catch myself but it bent my foot back and I fell with the bike on top of me. It manage to break the ankle pretty good in two places. I was screaming pretty loud I do not think have had pain as bad as this even with children! It was bent all the way back and I grabbed it and turned it back around. Then I heard a screach of tires it was a taxi it almost hit me but he recognized me and told the people in the car he was going to take me to the emergency. He sped off, I cried and really was praying Jesus jesus the whole way it was the only thing I could say... was JESUS JESUS and he repeated it with me I hopeI find this guy so I can thank him soon... THen he dropped me off I at this point could not speak a word of english or spanish was starting to go into shock and actually was throwing up. The emergency was not equiped with anything to take xrays or set the foot. Little did I know what was about to come.

They gave me a shot in the arm, it was morphine, could not remember any numbers or names to call all I could do was cry.. DUMB GIRL THING I GUESS but I was in so much pain, I couldn't think. The people at the emergency sent me to this cattle hospital in Punteranas that was seriously scary, it made me think of hanibal lector honestly. Dark dingy, they xrayed but they they didn't set the foot or give me medication for it. The ankle was broken it two places needing surgery.

I cried and died and worried, I was suppose to be cooking at rosies, and The next day or so was my birthday. I didn't know where I was at all. They put me in this room with no windows or screens it was up on the third floor. The lights were all out, and they bed sheets were USO sacks tied on to the bed. all the beds were rusty and the light fixture's were all rusty.

They gave me nothing for pain, no water, no food nothing all night some weird male nurse actually was fondling my bra when I looked up. I was frightened to death. I begged to use the phone they said no I needed money I said please they didn't understand, no matter what I said. I had a nurse call Eida I looked up her number in the booked I begged for. But she didn't come she didn't understand I don't think how serious this was.

I was up most of the night. When day broke I asked for a wheel chair, no one would give it to me I saw one in the hall and I asked this other paitent to bring it in in spanish and I wheeled my way with a splint and some tape on the leg to the desk or whatever you want to call it... I asked they told me nothing then the doctor came he said your foot is broken at the ankle and you will have to wait two weeks, oh NO I SAID OH NOOOOOOO I was absolutley LIVID! IN PAIN AND IN SANE NOW... So I got in the chair he said hey you have to wait your turn and there are other people here who need it before you. I NEVER HEAR OF THIS... IT WAS HORRIBLE. I really couldn't remember anyones phone or number. But I did remember that Doug lived behind Amapola, so I had this nurse who felt bad for me and asked me if Iwanted to use her phone call the hotel, THAT HOTEL IS GREAT BE SURE AND GO THERE IF YOU COME HERE. ITS CALLED THE AMAPOLA Jazz casino.
I told them they knew who Douglas was, they personally sent someone to his plant on the costenera, and told him I needed him. He called and was there in a hour. He yelled and told them off and got me out of there only after finding out the bill was crazy and they needed three signitures? why I never heard of this either but guess what ITS COSTA RICA!

Then he drove me over bumpy roads and across to Jaco to get somethings of mine and turn on lights, He bought me some chicken and we drove in flash two hours to San Jose to Cima, a great hospital. THE BEST IN SAN JOSE. It was two hours later I was in emergency surgery. Seven pins, a plate and a post later. The doctor there was apauled at what I told him.. they put me out and I was doing well. I stayed there for three days. Un fortunately spent my birthday there with no one knowing at all where I was. It was a sad birthday. I am now back in Jaco only after Doug came and brought me back, and got me set up in the house. Today liz came and bathed me and cleaned the house and took care of stuff, then Monte came by he missed me and the phone, ya know he always uses it. Then Doug showed and brought me to the emergency here to get better pills and then set me up in Shawns place his sons and his so I could be safe and internet all day and do mail and keep the foot up now all the swelling has gone down, Now were going to Shabat, at Josephs house then to mine and hopefully I will sleep good tonight. I didn't last night too much pain

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