Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

It began with Sunday morning having a knock on my window, it was Liz. The door was open because Douglas had been there early to give me pills. She came in and lay in the bed with me like young little girls, we pillowed talked for hours. She was sore from an adjustment. I was sick from pain and no sleep. The pain at night is the worst, like hot electrical shocks or volts of electricity shooting through the foot down into the leg. She could see my face was not doing well so no pressures to get up were pressed upon me.

Doug called several times worrying that I had not eaten nor took my pills, but Liz made sure I was ok but no food.
About 1:00 Doug came and picked me up, we decided to go and get some food downtown at the CafĂ© De Mar. I had Arroz con pollo, and a small salad. After an Iced Latte, with a slice of tiara Misu . But Sean Douglas’s son decided he needed the cake more than I did! So we all shared bites. Liz showed up and sat with us and ate too. Soon Steve was sitting with us, and before you knew it there were a whole group of people sitting laughing and talking. Doug and I smiling thinking because of all this it brought many people together.

Steve is this bulky, stocky weight lifter from New York. He has bright blue eyes and his heavy accent from the Big City is really apparent.
He begins to tell one of his ever famous stories about his health. He had diarrhea so bad here at one time he didn’t know what to do? He thought perhaps he had amebas in his stomach and needed something to kill them. Mind you I was crabby as heck the pain and my tummy has not been the same since the accident. Steve continued by saying he begged his room mate to go to the pharmacia to get some drugs to stop or kill the ameba, she returned and read to him to take one in the morning and one at night. So he did, the following day he felt better, then he went back to the pharmacia to get some more and asked just exactly how do I take this stuff. She said well you take one one week then the other one the following week. He had taken both of them the same day. He couldn’t read Spanish at all nor does he speak it. You have to hear him tell his stories, I am beginning to like this guy allot he’s hilarious! So he says to the pharmacy gal, I was suppose to take these a week apart? She replies yes he said but my stomach felt so much better… she said your stomach? He said yes I had like this terrible diarrhea it seems to help. She laughed she said this is lambmasal, it helps your fungus in your feet. He was dying laughing thinking he took both thinking they would help the stomach and yet it was for his feet and he felt better! So he said foot fungus aye he laughed.

I cracked up. Steve has been a friend now to me since the first week of December, he lives in Terry Boones Apartments the hotel Calif. Here in Jaco.
I met him one day visiting Terry at this place. Since then Steve and my paths cross all the time. When he found out I came here alone and I have lost more than a hundred pounds in the past five years he was very impressed with me. Plus hes in his fifties and you would not know it to look at him. He is in great shape. He work’s out constantly. Me I use to to Jazzercise constantly, now nothing since the accident and no works out till this foot gets well.

We left and came back to Dougs, I met Ali Red. The guy who Doug is building his home for right next door. The house is pretty cool still in some rough stages but its suppose to be in Architectual Digest when its finished. I hope he lets me have my hand it too!! Ali, Sean Doug and I all went to the Jungle bar, and watched the Super bowl. Ya see they close all the bars this weekend because of the election of the new President. So we had to sneak in our own booze. Which I found interesting everyone does it and no-one cares??? I only had one drink with fresh pineapple and some coconut rum. They continued to drink all they had. We ate some pizza made by a Jewish man down stairs, only in COSTA RICA.
They actually carried me up the stairs, and down when we left.

The Town this week end was very dead, almost quiet. Compared to the last week, Super bowl Sunday was not a good one for the Americans that were here. Although the jungle bar was pretty full with them.

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