Sunday, February 12, 2006

I had told Douglas about Milo, During the week, to prepare him for Milo coming to Jaco on Friday. This all has happened so fast, that I have not had time to think about what I really need to do here. I had to be honest with Douglas, I explained that I had feelings for Milo. When Milo showed up we sat at Rosies, talked for awhile nothing important but just sat and drank, watching the prostitutes and transvestites walking back in forth, all the cars driving up and down and just had something refreshing and talked,
then retired to my house. Where we sat on the porch and really talked about things. I was about to tell him all about how Douglas had saved me and how now I feel so impressed to spend some time with doug, But Milo Already knew and shared with me that he did. All hell broke loose, I began to cry and tell him that I also had feelings for Milo, as well Doug. I Am not married to either one of these men, I wish there was a way to date them both untill I find out who is really right for me. What happened to the days when you could date others with out fault and make a decision according to the feelings you have inside? Neither one wants me to date the other, both are great men, although they are very different types. But both have a similar background's. SELF TAUGHT BOTH OF THEM, and Both of them successfull.

One is and Architect, one is Builder, developer of a system of cement panels which he can build a house in less than a week's time. Both are learned in Building. I am a designer, with background in Events, Weddings, Floral, landscape Architecture, and interior design, allot of years of it so each of these men fit perfectly with me. One more affectionate than the other. This was the worst time of my life here the past weeks. With the foot, the bike, the money, the men... the emotional drain has been so exhausting. I cannot figure out what I really should do. I have loved Milo, although the past behavior has mad things different. Milo and I have not seen each other in four months, he only called me once since our dispute. But he has completely apologized for all his actions and I apologized for hurting his feelings on here.

Doug, has not had enough time for us to have any disputes, and I don' t know if we will yet he is really understanding, and extremely giving.. TIME TELLS ALL, I never dreamed in all my life I would be Here in Costa Rica, have two men who are inlove with me and both are pretty darn good.. Milo thinks this is a huge mistake, but I know in my heart it isn't had I not been here he would have never met me.... and had I not known Doug I would be still in Punteranas in some crack pot hosptial suffering yet with double fractures. I do not know how this could happen.. I never in my life had two men in love with me... I told Milo that I had to take some time with Doug. I just feel like I should spend time with him to see if it is really meant to be.. I tried to explain to Milo that I did not want to hurt him that I loved him too and I have never been in a situation like this ever.. AT MY AGE??

We spent hours crying talking laying on the bed with my Fractured foot propped up me in pain , crying and sying, he talking but in the morning. We just talked, he made coffee, then cleaned up my apartment, and waited on me since I can not do to much. He asked what my plans were I said none, I know that his friends were going to Parrita to lay on the beach, and I felt I needed to talk to Doug to tell him I was ok an I did what I said I was going to do, discuss with Milo what is happening. Milo did not want me to keep in contact with him he said he would leave and allow me to continue, but I was so shook up all I could do was cry. I Do love him, but I have feelings for Douglas too. THis is terrible...

He left in the morning, both of us crying and waving at the window, he drove off and I sat for hours thinking. I hope I did the right thing?

Later Doug showed up, took me to eat I couldn't I was too upset, he just was conforting and understood the whole thing. He assured me that I would be better in a day or so that I would miss some things about Milo.. but I know he has not been there for me especially when I needed him so . I told Milo that when a man loves a woman he will do anything to be with her or do things for her.. now is the time to see what will happen and what I should do.

Today I went to Manuel Antonio with three friends Doug was one. We had a very nice time it was beautiful there, the breeze was cool and the surrounds so gorgeous. I tried like heck to not think about Milo but I still did.

WE drove home and watched the Sunset in Hermosa Beach it was simply beautiful! I sat in the car they all got out... I thought about who would be the best man for me... while the sun went down over the sea, my thought's were heavy.

Driving back I was thinking about Milo, then We came and internetted he messaged me and told me the sadest story ever about how he almost drowned yesterday after leaving me.
About how he saw a dead monkey on the road with it's mate in the tree above it just looking upon its dead partner in wonderment? how he picked it up off the road and sad to the living one.. I know how you feel.. OH HOW SAD I WANTED TO CRY WHEN HE TOLD ME THIS.... I just want the right person in my life, and I am praying that I choose the best man... but as Any woman knows, ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

These are some of the lots that are for sale here in Jaco, if you are interested in building on them.. please contact me. They are all ocean view and the roads are paved.

View of the areas that are available for sale in Jaco, the view on the opposite side is also for sale

Friday, February 10, 2006

The flowers that the hospital gave me for my birthday
the view from the hospital room
look how big the bad leg is? WAAAAAAAA

The Overview, of Jaco from some sites that will be for sale
Weeks Synopsis

I wrote this once but we have been having power outages this past week and it destroyed the whole story or the daily blog let me try it again.

Monday was an early day I had to go to San Jose for a doctor’s appointment to check on the ankles status, and I was about to see Milo for the first time since we had a huge blow out. I have not seen him since Oct. Douglas was going to take me but his work was way over loaded so I suggested that Liz borrowed the car maybe picked up Milo her Husband on the way and we drive into San Jose all together. Milo is the name of her husband as well. Douglas brought the car around 7:30 I was about ready to leave the appointment was at 11:00 but Milo was at a Finca above Ortina a small cow town just north east of here. The Finca is a farm in the mountains that is very steep he has been staying there for a while working on. So we took a round about road winding up hill and around valleys and even went over a swinging bridge that is one car wide. I was upset and worried about my house and the foot, the meeting of my Milo and was wondering why we had to take this long round about way. But the ride was so pretty even though I was uncomfortable, it was beautiful..

We picked up Milo in this Mountain town, and then proceeded to go down the hills to San Jose. We came in through a back road, but ended up right at the hospital! When we got there Milo was waiting My Milo so I introduced Milo to Milo an Liz too. They put me in a wheel chair and we went up the third floor to see the doctor. I waited for a while and though, hmmm I better go in there alone as the doctor thought, at one point that Douglas was my husband. I went in he helped me up on the bed, and then took a saw and cut open, both sides of the cast, he made these rectangles and removed them. Then he pulled all the old bloody gauze out , then sprayed liquid nitrogen in there to freeze the incisions and then poked around and cleaned it up. Packed it again with clean gauze and took the pieces of cast put them back into place and taped all around it. He asked me who the man was out in the lobby I said my friend from NEW MEXICO, and that other were my friends from Jaco, then he asked where my husband was. I knew he meant Dougie. I said he is working and laughed. He sent me out with the foot being very sore and tender. But the prognosis was that, it is healing perfectly and the incisions looked very good. Said in one more week this cast can come off and hopefully put a walking one on!! Yeah I pray it happens as I need to the wedding at Villa Caletas!

We all then went into the cafeteria and had some lunch Milo’s were talking and liz and her hubby had some veggie sandwiches while Milo and I had salads. Then out of nowhere I had a tap on my left shoulder. It was Alejando, this man who is wanting me to start up a business similar to my own in the states and help with the development of it here in Costa Rica. I had to beg off on the offer to go and look at sites that day as the foot was way to sore and
I did not feel like crutching around town after that. We ended up making another appointment for the following week I said goodbye to Milo he said he was busy and he would see me on Friday in Jaco., so Friday it is..

The ride home was a good one the way we went was the same round about way but I saw so many pretty views that many people never get the opportunity to see. The Trees are in bloom up there the orange and the yellow and the pink, the whole trees covered with lots of bloom’s ever so pretty!! The view ‘s were incredible so I was happy on the way back. The mango stands and fruit stands were all along the way, dotted here and there in hillside towns. Basket stands and more! If I was well I would have begged to stop and look, next time!

We got home just in time for the community action counsel meeting at 6:00 so we flew over there in Doug’s car. But the meeting was so far back in the hotel
I had to crutch like forever…
I was so exhausted , but I made it, listen to the meeting reported what
I was suppose to be doing for them, that I had accomplished finding rice sacks for the la ferria.
Went back met Doug and had a beer with him at the colonial. Red this guy from New York was there. Douglas is building his house for him and its going to be in Architectural digest, I hope to god I get my hands in it some how!! Red is cool he is this red haired Italian man in his fifties long hair, so funny! He is a hair colorist and he is just wild! He and I laughed so hard, then Doug took me home.

The following day was bad, for some reason I was having a bad day, head ache foot ache just ache…. Doug came and got me to internet at this house and relax in the recliner, I talked to my daughter in law on line and my sis for a long time… we went and ate chicken but I didn’t feel good the power was out all day so no internet after that. The power finally came on around 5:00 so we went to Poseidon to have dinner. I had a filet mignon, and it was delicious!
Doug took me of course, he is my angel and Sean was with us.

He saw this girl there that he thought was beautiful so I told him to go and tell her that.. then as he got close he could see she was so young and so made up he was turned off..
Went home to bed, but in the middle of the night I got up to go potty and did a face plant on the floor. It was hard to get up but I did and hurt my shoulder.
The next day I was feeling much better. I cleaned up as well as I could its hard on crutches. I took a shower on one leg wow that was tough, but I did it, and the other leg was burning like a torch! But got out and waited on Doug, he took me to town to eat, and then to his house where Red was, I sat outside and internetted and watched the crew work and sing and bang on the house next door. The birds were flying all over and I saw a huge flock of peach faced parrots land in the timber bamboo next door. It was a huge flock, they make allot of noise they chatter and scream. So cute! Then red talk to me some more and we hung out for a while till Douglas came back.

Then in the evening we went to this great place I love to eat at. It is in Tarcoles, near Villa Coletas, its on the sea it’s a fish place where the boats come in and sell the fish to the restaurant. We had cocktails, beers, and hors de orves, a whole sea bass friend ummmmmmm delicious… and lobster and shrimp in garlic and butter. Not to mention the ceviche before hand. The whole thing came to 39 bucks for the three of us… Wow

So good so fun and so beautiful there… RIGHT ON THE WATER I MEAN TO TELL YOU THE WAVES SPLASH YOU. After we went to Café Del Mar Rosie’s place to visit with the girls and have some socializing, Doug has been so great taking me there almost every night for at least 40 mins so I can keep in touch with people… Then today I woke and felt pretty good I sat in the sun early around 7:30 and then watered the plants as best as I could with crutches… we don’t know how important our legs and feet are until your handicapped and can’t do things I sure do appreciate all I can do because it is so difficult and takes twice if not three times the the length of time to do things.. I mopped the floors that was fun NOT! Then I showered made the bed and by that time it was 12:30.
Normally that would be about a hour… then Doug picked me up and brought me to his place to internet and rest. Then he is taking me to the La Ferria so I can buy some food for the week, but not allot he doesn’t want me to cook standing on one the leg its too hard yet…

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

It began with Sunday morning having a knock on my window, it was Liz. The door was open because Douglas had been there early to give me pills. She came in and lay in the bed with me like young little girls, we pillowed talked for hours. She was sore from an adjustment. I was sick from pain and no sleep. The pain at night is the worst, like hot electrical shocks or volts of electricity shooting through the foot down into the leg. She could see my face was not doing well so no pressures to get up were pressed upon me.

Doug called several times worrying that I had not eaten nor took my pills, but Liz made sure I was ok but no food.
About 1:00 Doug came and picked me up, we decided to go and get some food downtown at the Café De Mar. I had Arroz con pollo, and a small salad. After an Iced Latte, with a slice of tiara Misu . But Sean Douglas’s son decided he needed the cake more than I did! So we all shared bites. Liz showed up and sat with us and ate too. Soon Steve was sitting with us, and before you knew it there were a whole group of people sitting laughing and talking. Doug and I smiling thinking because of all this it brought many people together.

Steve is this bulky, stocky weight lifter from New York. He has bright blue eyes and his heavy accent from the Big City is really apparent.
He begins to tell one of his ever famous stories about his health. He had diarrhea so bad here at one time he didn’t know what to do? He thought perhaps he had amebas in his stomach and needed something to kill them. Mind you I was crabby as heck the pain and my tummy has not been the same since the accident. Steve continued by saying he begged his room mate to go to the pharmacia to get some drugs to stop or kill the ameba, she returned and read to him to take one in the morning and one at night. So he did, the following day he felt better, then he went back to the pharmacia to get some more and asked just exactly how do I take this stuff. She said well you take one one week then the other one the following week. He had taken both of them the same day. He couldn’t read Spanish at all nor does he speak it. You have to hear him tell his stories, I am beginning to like this guy allot he’s hilarious! So he says to the pharmacy gal, I was suppose to take these a week apart? She replies yes he said but my stomach felt so much better… she said your stomach? He said yes I had like this terrible diarrhea it seems to help. She laughed she said this is lambmasal, it helps your fungus in your feet. He was dying laughing thinking he took both thinking they would help the stomach and yet it was for his feet and he felt better! So he said foot fungus aye he laughed.

I cracked up. Steve has been a friend now to me since the first week of December, he lives in Terry Boones Apartments the hotel Calif. Here in Jaco.
I met him one day visiting Terry at this place. Since then Steve and my paths cross all the time. When he found out I came here alone and I have lost more than a hundred pounds in the past five years he was very impressed with me. Plus hes in his fifties and you would not know it to look at him. He is in great shape. He work’s out constantly. Me I use to to Jazzercise constantly, now nothing since the accident and no works out till this foot gets well.

We left and came back to Dougs, I met Ali Red. The guy who Doug is building his home for right next door. The house is pretty cool still in some rough stages but its suppose to be in Architectual Digest when its finished. I hope he lets me have my hand it too!! Ali, Sean Doug and I all went to the Jungle bar, and watched the Super bowl. Ya see they close all the bars this weekend because of the election of the new President. So we had to sneak in our own booze. Which I found interesting everyone does it and no-one cares??? I only had one drink with fresh pineapple and some coconut rum. They continued to drink all they had. We ate some pizza made by a Jewish man down stairs, only in COSTA RICA.
They actually carried me up the stairs, and down when we left.

The Town this week end was very dead, almost quiet. Compared to the last week, Super bowl Sunday was not a good one for the Americans that were here. Although the jungle bar was pretty full with them.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

God What a bloody mess yesterdays blog was... Terrible spelling terrible writting. But Due to 7 pins, a plate and rod what can I say? I expect to be doing much better soon with all this Blogging stuff.

I have to say the foot is better today, as I am forced by my friends to keep off it, and elevated it.

I had to double up on Medications yesterday, but mind you the medications they give are nothing like what I have experienced in the states. They gave me some meds, that were basically tylenol 500 with 30 percent Codine. I really know my body, I have a high pain tollerance, so I am not the kind to take a bunch of medications to help me. But the pain that I am experiencing must be really high., in order for me to be taking this much.

Generally you would take some sort of strong medication to keep the inflamation down and cut the pain. So I guess what I am saying is that I felt so bad the past two days that Doug made a decision to take me to this place to have them take a look and discuss with me what can be done. Inturn we found out that that what they perscribed was low level pain killers,so this darling doctor that spoke to me decided to ammend the drugs. What she did prescibe was this unusual little pill that does nothing to your mind nor does it make you feel sick, or drunk or high. All it did was work with the other medication to stop all the pain instantly!! YEAH... I slept so much better, but only after Doug and I sat on the front porch and talked for hours about life and what we wanted out of what we felt was left of life for us.

He is really a wonderfull man, I want to say to all the readers who wrote me today that I appreciate you saying THANK GOD FOR DOUG!! I want to take some photos of him and his son Shawn, his operation and tell you more about what they do and how things are developing for them and why they are such great people.

I only woke up once in the middle of night with excruitiating pain and had to try to fumble about finding the meds in the night, tonight its by the bed for sure! I had a quiet morning No roosters, no dogs slept late to wake up by the phone call of Douglas, wanting to know if I was alright then Rosie called she owns the Cafe Del mar, I took a shower but ohhhooooooo got water in the cast as I was standing up in there for about 20 minutes, the water felt so good. Later he picked me up and took me to Rosies, we did the rounds. Here in Jaco everyone rides around seeing each other waving saying hi, talking and socializing. We sat at Rosies, talk to Cliff, and few other people. The Election is this weekend so all the bars are closed, and some of the stores and restuarants.
The Trucks with speakers are driving around loud blasting, the dogs are barking, the kids are yelling and well the streets are alive with action.

The Cars and trucks with Flags of the parties are driving around honking and peeping and people are stocking up on Wine beer and booze. Nothing opens till Monday afternoon, So super bowl Sunday For Americans and Canadians is going to be a tough one... not many parties. DUMB REALLY With all these people you would think they would be open. But they don't like anyone to be intoxicated, as if that is going to stop them???? or have any altercations because of who is elected??? YEAH RIGHT!!! I cracked up watching the people, it was fun being out and in the streets.
I ate late breakfast around 12:00 of pinto de gallo beans and rice, and huevos con queso, Eggs and cheese. I had Rosies special Iced coffee that I love so much.

After this Doug informed me that he, Shawn and Kingsley have thought about adding me to the team. Doug took me up to some properties over looking Jaco and showed me some sights that he will be building. I think I am going to be a part of this too... GOD IF everything that I have gotten offered come's through here I am going to be one little busy Italiana designer! This makes like five offers in less than two weeks. Which one will transpire?

The properties are spectacular, It was awe inspiring to see the town from that level.
I took some photos but I am not privy to showing them yet untill we work out the details on how they will get sold and what they want for them. But I know I will be the one that will be the contact person for these beautiful properties.

Then I wanted Gelato, so Doug drove me to the Italian Gelato place in the center of Jaco, Seems to me that this is own by some very swarthy gentleman. I like there Ice cream anyhow! I had coconut sorbet, pineapple and watermelon. While we were sitting there some car drove by thinking that Doug was Anthony Hopkins, they yelled out look its Anthony Hopkins and he just smiled and waved. He does look an awefull lot like him.

Then back to the recliner to rest the leg internet and then dinner at Monica's a very small Italian place, the caprise was just ok, I am not impressed with the mozzerella here, I have not found one that taste right to me. I had pene with capers, olives red sauce and garlic. Not to bad concidering a Tico did it... too tomatoey for me not cooked enough. We then went to Rosie's as I promised her I would come and visit. she has missed my daily visits to her place. I did see Eida Early and well she was tan and looked a bit tired. I guess she is having allot of problems with her work the properties and people. She said she was going to bring the girls over Tomorrow so that will be nice to see them and spend some time with my girls I miss so much.

I did see her husband Joey, the blonde American recognizable no matter where he is, walking down the road just past pops. He grabbed my hand and wished me well I could see in his face that he was sad by my injury. Ihope that He and Eida get things straightened out soon, Eida look's worn, I do miss her.

Super bowl Sunday is Tomorrow, interesting to see what this town does.

Friday, February 03, 2006

The sunset from my room, the Imperial concert with the regaeton

The lady at the la Ferria who I buy all my lettuce and some veggies from, that head is huge about 75 cents. Big daddy crocodillios.

I have not posted in days so much has been going on I believe that the last one was about me cooking for the coffee shop that had to be cancelled because of this huge regaeton concert that was thrown on the beach here by Imperial.
They choose every year a beach and I guess this year was Jaco so we cancelled the dinner. The beaches were littered with people and trash. I never in my life seen so many people or trash.

I had gone to Orotina with Doug on Saturday to get some materials for his job but I ended up shopping and got some candles and some undergarments. Orotina has the best prices and it has things no one has in Jaco. We got to talk about allot of things on the way, the wedding I will be doing his projects and saw the crocks lots of crocks GOD I WAS SCARED... but he asured me they didn't like Italian! We ate Ice cream in Ortina and just walked around looking at things. This town is a cow town, farm village lots of fruits and veggies grown there actually the biggest Pineapples I ever saw! Its nothing fancy just a simple little town with a town center where all the stores are inclosed and the people have to look through counters to buy things. I can't understand the concept and Its hard to shop, I dont know what to look for or where and how do you see it behind a huge counter? Its hard to explain but some how I will take a photo and show it.

We came back to see all the people, and Sunday was worst. We ended up going to the beach on Sat night to see the concert but there were no bands only disco, and dancers... strange ok huge set up and no bands no body out there lots of food and lots of loud loud disco. I didn't like it so we left. There were guys bbqing on the rims of tires, yes using tire rims to cook? ok that was weird, creative but strange and they were welded on to shopping carts! I had to look, they were making terriaki steak and chicken? OK???

The following day Sunday I woke to tons of people even behind my apartment and its lawn to the beach? I couldn't believe this.... busses everywhere cars and an hour and 45 to get to town? wow.... it takes like 5 minutes from my house on the bike. We decided to post pone due to all the onloookers and the dinner wouldnt not be private like we had intended it to be.

I tried like heck to get Kens ticket delayed as he had no phone and no internet and was hoping I could help him so instead of preparing for the dinner Ken and Iwent over to del mar and tried to change his ticket but he bought a cheap one and they refused to do it without a fee.

Well anyway the dinner was cancelled, and I was suppose to do it on Monday, It was a hot monday I got up early cleaned up everything and began to get things together for the day.

I called Doug and asked if he could pick up my things to take to Rosies while I went to find linens and had my hair cut. He agreed to do it even with his busy schedule. He is a builder here, he invented this cool system of concrete, which make condo, house or huge buildings easy to construct. The name of his company is Modern Structures Jaco. Its a very interesting process that he developed and Its really becoming popular here as it makes good sense and it is a cost effective way to build and its fast! So saying all that Doug is busy but he took time for me.

I showered and got all dressed in white shorts and a pink shirt with butterflies on it.. got on the bike and rode down the Costa Nera, its the main road, this road is far better to ride on than any of the Jaco streets these days. I was coming downt this hill the road is steep I was going pretty fast, when this car came across the intersection and clipped my bike I didn't really see it it happened so fast but it did knock me down and Well I manage to catch myself but it bent my foot back and I fell with the bike on top of me. It manage to break the ankle pretty good in two places. I was screaming pretty loud I do not think have had pain as bad as this even with children! It was bent all the way back and I grabbed it and turned it back around. Then I heard a screach of tires it was a taxi it almost hit me but he recognized me and told the people in the car he was going to take me to the emergency. He sped off, I cried and really was praying Jesus jesus the whole way it was the only thing I could say... was JESUS JESUS and he repeated it with me I hopeI find this guy so I can thank him soon... THen he dropped me off I at this point could not speak a word of english or spanish was starting to go into shock and actually was throwing up. The emergency was not equiped with anything to take xrays or set the foot. Little did I know what was about to come.

They gave me a shot in the arm, it was morphine, could not remember any numbers or names to call all I could do was cry.. DUMB GIRL THING I GUESS but I was in so much pain, I couldn't think. The people at the emergency sent me to this cattle hospital in Punteranas that was seriously scary, it made me think of hanibal lector honestly. Dark dingy, they xrayed but they they didn't set the foot or give me medication for it. The ankle was broken it two places needing surgery.

I cried and died and worried, I was suppose to be cooking at rosies, and The next day or so was my birthday. I didn't know where I was at all. They put me in this room with no windows or screens it was up on the third floor. The lights were all out, and they bed sheets were USO sacks tied on to the bed. all the beds were rusty and the light fixture's were all rusty.

They gave me nothing for pain, no water, no food nothing all night some weird male nurse actually was fondling my bra when I looked up. I was frightened to death. I begged to use the phone they said no I needed money I said please they didn't understand, no matter what I said. I had a nurse call Eida I looked up her number in the booked I begged for. But she didn't come she didn't understand I don't think how serious this was.

I was up most of the night. When day broke I asked for a wheel chair, no one would give it to me I saw one in the hall and I asked this other paitent to bring it in in spanish and I wheeled my way with a splint and some tape on the leg to the desk or whatever you want to call it... I asked they told me nothing then the doctor came he said your foot is broken at the ankle and you will have to wait two weeks, oh NO I SAID OH NOOOOOOO I was absolutley LIVID! IN PAIN AND IN SANE NOW... So I got in the chair he said hey you have to wait your turn and there are other people here who need it before you. I NEVER HEAR OF THIS... IT WAS HORRIBLE. I really couldn't remember anyones phone or number. But I did remember that Doug lived behind Amapola, so I had this nurse who felt bad for me and asked me if Iwanted to use her phone call the hotel, THAT HOTEL IS GREAT BE SURE AND GO THERE IF YOU COME HERE. ITS CALLED THE AMAPOLA Jazz casino.
I told them they knew who Douglas was, they personally sent someone to his plant on the costenera, and told him I needed him. He called and was there in a hour. He yelled and told them off and got me out of there only after finding out the bill was crazy and they needed three signitures? why I never heard of this either but guess what ITS COSTA RICA!

Then he drove me over bumpy roads and across to Jaco to get somethings of mine and turn on lights, He bought me some chicken and we drove in flash two hours to San Jose to Cima, a great hospital. THE BEST IN SAN JOSE. It was two hours later I was in emergency surgery. Seven pins, a plate and a post later. The doctor there was apauled at what I told him.. they put me out and I was doing well. I stayed there for three days. Un fortunately spent my birthday there with no one knowing at all where I was. It was a sad birthday. I am now back in Jaco only after Doug came and brought me back, and got me set up in the house. Today liz came and bathed me and cleaned the house and took care of stuff, then Monte came by he missed me and the phone, ya know he always uses it. Then Doug showed and brought me to the emergency here to get better pills and then set me up in Shawns place his sons and his so I could be safe and internet all day and do mail and keep the foot up now all the swelling has gone down, Now were going to Shabat, at Josephs house then to mine and hopefully I will sleep good tonight. I didn't last night too much pain