Friday, August 19, 2011

Zumba Roatan & Back in the Tropics

Zumba brought me back, I hope it keeps me here for a while? I was doing Zumba every day in USA that was the only thing really aside from my darling grandson that kept me alive and going.

He would go with me at least once a week to Zumba and he actually danced right along with me. Kids love that music, he had a little friend there named Junior. Those two would dance and cut up and really enjoy the Latino music, sing the songs really shake it.

Junior is the son of a woman I met while doing Zumba, Shawna, she and I became really close there for a few months and developed a very nice friendship. She was an amazing dancer! She inspired me to move and we were always side by side exercising together. I hope some day she will come to visit me in Central America.
Now I have studied with the best Gina, and Abraham from the Zumba corporation to learn to be an instructor and I plan to teach in Honduras. Making the 126Th country for Zumba Fitness. It will be listed in the Zumba class finder in Honduras international Division of Zumba fitness.

It was a long flight back I actually had to disembark one plane because it had no pressure readings in it right before we began to take off. We had to wait about 25 minutes to find another plane and load up take off out of phoenix. Heading to Houston we landed about three fifteen am. I tried to sleep but all the cleaning people in the airport were so loud it was impossible, my connecting flight was at ten am. I landed in At 12:15, it was so hot I was in shock, still not really adjusted yet and its been a week today.

I believe it may take a while. I been setting goals on finding the right location for the classes and I believe I have found them. I hope my body can do this? I did ok in the cooler weather but this heat makes you sweat ten times more. You don't even have to move to sweat you just do!

But today was a cool day, It rained most of the day, waking up the sound of Tropical rain to me is beautiful, much different than the Pacific northwest rain. COLD DARK DREARY. Here its hot light, and humid. The smell of the rain on the plants to me is refreshing. I love the way this one lily smells here when it rains, its white and has a sent that is carried for many feet. YES we do have heavy rains its a hurricane storm they say but we will see. I been through a few of these tropical Storms. Normally its all hype, scaring away the tourists. Right now its raining pretty heavy but no wind and it is fresh for the first time in a week. I bet I sleep super well tonight.
I am missing my little Zumba dancer, I Talk to him today on Skype amazing Skype he did his little dance for me. I sang a song for him and he did his moves for me. Darling little Juliano... soon another little grandson will be here named Colby, I bet his is going to be a real live wire! wonder if he will dance with his NONA

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