Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sounds of Parrots squawking and our cat purring

Roosters crowing in the distance, birds cheerfully singing today. The Parrots are all alarmed I don't no why?? And a lonely little rooster I can hear down near the beach is crowing desperately to wake up the sleeping dead. Its pretty still today, although I can see from my balcony a bank of massive storm clouds full and billowing, moving towards me. The sky is clear above me and the sounds of little bugs and birds are quite clear today that all are happy that the winds and the rains have move away for a while.

Yesterday I woke to see one cruise ship and while I waited for a ride to go to Infinity Bay Resort, West Bay Roatan. I saw another one come easing in. They move so slow but so powerfully.
I mean its quite the thing to see early in the morning, or late at night all lit up like a floating hotel or giant resort. Some are up to 14 story's or more high. Its beautiful in the early morning. I remember when my father or my mother would tell me that it was so pretty in the early morning hours and I use to think wow thats nice, and who cares? Its only for old people! So I guess I have arrived at the old people stage.
I Just love the morning, reason is. Calm most of the time.. peaceful, no noise from the outside world. And nature seems to be very alive in the early morning. All are working on finding there breakfast, trying to live another day, simple life process. Arise, eat and play.

Wouldn't that be grand? I have work almost my whole life, since I was very young 13 I believe. And I am about to begin again a design business here in Roatan. I'm sorry its my passion, I know that if you love or have enjoyment in something that you do to make money, you will be successful. Its hard to predict life isn't it? I mean just when you think you understand something happens and it all changes! I wasn't confused when I decided to come here, I was clear about what I wanted to do, but now I see that the need for my Floral Art and design is more in need here as the other idea I had as well.

A little detail about the new business Idea I am working on! It has Just about EVERYTHING I LOVE ( Remember my theory If you love what you do or you have passion for what you do you will succeed)

Great Coffee:

Coffee has been a big role in my life since I was about 10, my father drank it weak, my mother drank it strong. ITALIANS LIKE STRONG but my dad hated it.. I love it strong. We always drank in the afternoon's in our demitasse. Tiny little cups with the strongest coffee you can imagine, lots of sugar and a little cream if you will.
Years ago the only people who know or drank this were Turkish, Italians, Spaniards, Israelis, and other middle eastern countries folk. But now its common everyone knows about coffee. Some of the best Coffee I have ever had in my life came from Central America, Living in Costa Rica was a blessing when it came to the Coffee, CHEAP AND DELICIOUS cause of the prevalent amount of farms there, Now I find that some of the Honduran Coffee can compete. They are not as good as marketing the Coffee here as in Costa Rica, but I am going to get my hand in that area soon.


Always had a love for chocolate, In Costa Rica I visit a couple of farms where the cacao grows and saw the old process of the beans and roast and the way of centuries of developing the Chocolate. The form we use now is very processed, in compared to the real state of the orginal use. I found in Honduras, that the Orginally Chocolate was grown here,by the Mayans. Its a whole beautiful history about the chocolate and soon I am going to the area to meet some of the growers to find a source for the chocolate I want to sell in the new business, I already have some of the coffee connections and was told that theses same families also grow the cacao. In Copan where the Mayan ruins are. THAT SHOULD BE very interesting! Few weeks ago I did a big event at Infinity, When I was finished with the decor a lady came over and complemented. Come to find out she lives in Copan and has a Hotel there with the coffee fields. I thought that was amazing as I was thinking this, I needed to meet someone who could connect me and I drew this to me.

Plants and Fresh Flowers:

They are life, they add to our environment, bring joy and happiness, color and fragrance and memories. Well the connection for the Flowers is an old friend of mine Eric Shibata, we have been in Contact now for several months trying to develop a plan to bring the best of the world here to Roatan. The best Floral and plants... Fresh Flowers that make people happy, send them to the cruise ships, use them for weddings, adorn Conventions that sometimes are dry of color.

LIFE it spreads happiness.. and gives so much pleasure.


It is the passion of life, Wine is a pleasure that only wine lovers understand, being introduce to wine as a young girl I know pretty much a lot about it and one thing I know it goes to your head fast! its a different feeling to be drunk on wine! Wine is a good complement to the chocolate and with some bits of cheese wow great snack, something that I am sure everyone will enjoy.

Wine adds depth to life and insight to many problems, Wine is a healer, wine is a thinking tool, wine is a body relaxer, Wine is a love inducer. I LOVE WINE

Still the quietness is abound, soon I will hear phones ringing, people yelling and doors crashing, as I enter the job. In a few months time the soft sounds of the morning will be with me for longer periods and then the after noon and evening will be filled with the sounds of people enjoying cappuccinos, wine, chocolate and the smell of gorgeous flowers.

Absolutely Beautiful!/ Amor's and Pasciones

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