Monday, September 06, 2010

Now the job comes

Part of my garden under the house the house is three story That tree is planters palm and is about 35 or 40 feet tall
So we moved into the house, split the bills half and half and found that the whole house was painted blue inside, except the Bathrooms Mine is a weird monkey puke green or should I saw a slime green, and his is conch pink. The tiles are gorgeous not expensive ones a computer print but simulate rock. So soon on the agenda is painting, regardless of the colors its a cool place! BUT THERE IS A LOT OF BLUE the kitchen is cookie monster blue with really nice marble counter tops and stainless steel fridge, and black cook top. It could be a awesome set up done right.. But I'M GRATEFUL! SO GRATEFUL I Don't think anyone can imagine how Grateful I am? to be away from that filth and stink of apartment in JACO and to be away from the thickening Crime scene, the garbage that is out of hand now and the prices that are sky rocking in a surely down trodden economy? dose not make sense any more.

Roatan is beautiful, its really different, but beautiful. I think I am pretty lucky in many ways, I may not have a TV, or Radio or furniture or car or well for that matter much of anything... but Im so lucky to be living what I feel, and what I dream. So many people just talk, never put action in anything they imagine. But I learned that what ever you can dream of whatever you can imagine it is possible for it to become your reality. It doesn't have to be travel or living in an exotic place like I have been doing. It could be you want to open up a business? or you want to have a beautiful sofa, or you just want to do something different for yourself. Maybe your sick of your situation with your wife, or your husband and you always think in your head you wish you were alone or doing something completely different.. THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN. So you want o buy that diamond ring? and ask someone to marry you but your thinking how can I buy this my work will not provide that amount of money. Well think it enough and some how some way it will come to you how.. NO NOT BY ROBBING A BANK! I knew you were thinking that.. its just amazing how the mind is the inventor of anything you need and want. When you want something bad enough you can make it happen don't cry about I don't have this or that be grateful for what you have and it brings a lot more to you! So go one believe whatever it is your wanting right now to happen and I promise you it will!
I always wanted to live in a tropical place, I forever thought oh my god how I am not married, I dont have tons of money and that kept me from getting more.. Now in these past few years I have learned that you yourself have the power to do anything you set your mind to do. AMAZINGLY ENOUGH it comes.

The Job comes:
I had written lots of places before arriving here, also had written lots of places in Portland Oregon as well, No response from any one there but had lots of responses from people here. ( deciding factor on where I was going!) I had an interview with Carnival Cruise line to decorate the port for Christmas, so I went hopped on a bus, caught another bus that was free and headed out to French habor! I had a great interview with them and then headed back to West bay to see a new friend I met. I carried the portfolio with me When he saw some of my work he exlaimed! GO TALK TO THE GENERAL MANAGER RIGHT NOW. I said why? for events he said yes.. well in my mind I was saying cool this is just what I wanted to be doing sub contract for the bigger resorts.
I went the interview went well and in two days negotiated but it was the director of events at Infinity bay resort. Well! that was nice... lets see how this works out now. I have been here two months now and its very rough, not much organization, Im not just doing decor, Im actually selling the events, answering inquiries for rooms, and honey moons and trying to book conferences. We have a great facility and I believe in time I will do very well here.

Its a beautiful place and as I said I'm very grateful for the things that have come to me and are still coming! FUNNY Im still believing in the pickup truck I NEED THAT NOW MORE THAN ANYTHING! getting around this Island is not easy, in fact its worse than in Costa rica, the transit system is not really very good, the Taxis are Super expensive and things are not located near one another. No malls, only a tiny one, Three grocery stores but very far apart and lugging food home on the bus, and lugging up a steep hill then up three flights of stairs is surely getting me in better shape! BUT IM STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT? anyhow this is the next thing that has to come to me soon! I need transportation! BAD so I hope this happens SUPER SOON THIS MONTH!
In a few days I will post photos of the house so stay tuned


Susie Leiper said...

Hi Marianna. Sounds like you are having a good time on Roatan. I own a casita and land in the Punta Blanca area on the east end. You should go visit Paya Bay Resort in Diamond Rock. They are all seekers too! Ask for DaVinci and check out his blog at

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are living your dream... I'm still here in Playa del Coco CR. Thinking about moving somewhere elese too
Keep up blogging and we will keep reading...... Luv ya Dennis