Saturday, March 28, 2009

I hope I can remember how to blog

Its been so long since I blogged I don't know if I can remember how?
I really have been doing some hard thinking, With all the bad news I have heard from USA and World seems like everyone is on a downer. My thoughts are how can I keep from being affected by all the negative energy that is flowing in the whole world right now?
How? I bet your asking yourself the same thing? I haven't been down or depressed or unhappy in a very long time.
I think the reason is I have changed my ideas and thinking. I try everyday to believe that something good is coming to me regardless of what the world is saying. I believe that we buy into things, yes there is evidence of crisis, but for everyone to withdraw and give way or place only adds to the down side of life. I am greatfull everyday for whatever I have and its not a whole lot.. but I am so greatfull that I am able, that I can still do something to make people happy and try to instill some of the wisdom that I have been past on.
Try giving it may not be money or it may be Money or monetary things, but try giving something.. weather its a good word, compliment someone you wouldn't normally talk to. Share with someone you don't know, just open up to a more positve aspect of living. Whats wrong with doing something for someone? maybe it takes some of your precious time that you feel you losing more of because of the down trodden economy, or feel you don't have the abilty to give you need someone to give to you! Wrong.. I am really speaking from my heart.
When times are bad, its time to think,change your way of doing things, change your additude and how your deal with people. Change is good its not bad, and in the most adverse situations good things develope. I remembered something my mother told me.. I honor her words really.. she was brilliant, wise and witty. She said to me once, look into the face of adversity and cheer.. for there is a challenge you will win. Now that is a very positive statement from someone who at most times was outwardly negative. Athough she was brillant she had bad moments of negative thinking. Then I would notice she would shake it off and encourage others when she felt the worst. Making her gain in that challenging moment. Are you understanding my point here?

Life is full of adversities, Full of gains and successes.. It Is full. Enough for the whole world to grasp and have.

I have faith that things will change soon, not just for me but for many.

I don't have work right now, But I have faith that things will be fine for me.. it really is amazing how things develope when you have faith that it will happen.

Its not blind thinking its visonary planning, Knowing what you want and believing it. I still have my orginal Plan for a place I wanted to do when I moved.. it has not come together yet but getting close.. My point I think is that I need to give more, I need to be more open and understanding to others and maybe someone will be understanding with me.

How can you remain happy in a time with everything is crashing about you?
My key is:
First think about all that you have weather it is material or spiritual, and tangeable. GREAT FAMILY, FRIENDS. SPOUSE, Lovers, or friends... a companion maybe its an animal. Or for me like Yesterday my client. We have become friends.. I am greatfull for this re;ationship. When he comes here he calls for me to hang out and help him with just about everything. I sat on his balcony of his million dollar condo, on the 7th floor over looking the whole of Jaco.. Thinking wow who would have known some years back I would be sitting here enjoying this and thinking my life is not bad at all. To be able to enjoy and see the things I have seen.

I want to make it clear, I am not envious of him or wish it was mine. I was just so happy to be able to see the morning sun on the waves, the sounds of the waves crashing very peacefull. Thinking I am drinking coffee up here and enjoying.
Here is the reason I got to enjoy that. Because he needs help, he doesn't pay me to help him when he visits here.. But I always help him in anything he asks me to do. Find this, or that, or call for this or that.. help with his house, cook for him.. just help.AND I KNOW my giving is going right into a bank of return interest. Maybe not from him but it will be returned to me somehow.

Keep your chin up ... cheer in adversity because it will be a challenge YOU WILL WIN.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pretty boring but still is beautiful here

The reason I say that in the title is because it has been pretty boring this past couple of weeks.
I have not done much except work on perking up the kitchen, cabinets like I had told earlier and now new bar stools. To get these here was a major act of God.. I bought them some three weeks ago with Geraldo who had offered to take me to San Jose. When I purchase them they were not available in the wearhouse, they told me they would be available for pick up on the following Monday. Geraldo agreed to take me but I had a funny feeling he was just saying this. He had underlying ideas about me... I knew after being with him two hours.. CANT ANYONE JUST BE A FRIEND? ok back to the chairs... so Monday comes I don't hear from Geraldo.. I kinda put a cabash on him.. he only wanted one thing the reason he offered to give a ride.. I am more than positive about what he was thinking!! So about ten I called him said well what about my chairs.. ???"remember you agreed to pick them up today?" Oh he said? like I forgot? but then came excuses about an attorney, then I can't drive my car on certain days.. new laws, So I just said ok I will find a way, rather than ask him again and have to deal with his harrassment.

So a week went by I tried several people who may be going to San Jose to give me a ride so I could pick these things up.. but no luck. Then I found a transportation company that works outside the furniture store. The total of the chairs three of them, came to $ 180 more or less,the furniture store La Artisica, wanted another hundred to send them. I said no... so finding this transportation company was a great surprise, they wanted 3 thousand colones, which right now amounts to little more than $6.00. So I tried like four days to get them. Yes I talk to them they were aware of the chairs the name where.. but nothing got done. Five days go by I call again to find out they said to call La Artisica, ok now La Artisica, wants money to send them on this truck.. another 7 thousand, amount of 14 dollars for nothing they call it handling. Ok so I agree... then another day goes by.. I call again, ok they forgot to tell me to deposit the whole amount in La Artisica's bank account!! So I go wait more than an hour in line to do the deposit. The banks here are down to one or two windows, not many working in the bank.. but many people waiting to get served.

So after all that I call again.. yes ok tomorrow morning early they said. Tomorrow morning early came and went nothing showed up, night fall came I called once more and said well? tomorrow morning early.
Sure enough early the next morning the bar stools came. In a box with no instructions, but I managed afterI woke up had a coffee.
Then the following day I don't know exactly what happened but I was fine all day evening came and about 12 midnight I felt Ill.
I had the worst pain my stomach, it wrenched and felt like stabbing pains. I ran of course to the bathroom, and it shot out both ends like a faucet. This went on for the whole night and half the next day. ORFA my friend came brought something to stop it, and electrolites. It was so bad I thought I was paralized. I couldn't move after doing that for hours..
It has taken me three full days to recover. Today I feel almost normal. My mouth is raw, but other than that a little pain in the lower abdomen.
IT was scary...

Today only a walk to the beach for hour and 40, with my friends they had other plans. Came home made fresh lemonaide because its so stinking hot! I love the sour lemons here big rough skins, and orange flesh inside.. juicy! I made it in the blender with ice. then watched a great movie with Jack Nicholson.
I may go to dinner with Rossy, we did it last week and had a great sushi time! May give her a call and see what the plan is..
Other than this, Thinking about Jordan, soon is his birthday.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cracking down on Jaco

Been a slow week, my client didn't show up said something about having the flu.. but it could be other problems. Because we were unable to get into the condos to take photos for the webpage they wanted... So who knows what the truth is? All I know is that we could not be permitted in. And the owner has not had much contact this week with me.
So the hope of finishing those Condos is put on hold.

I did manage to the kitchen Cabinets finished, they turned out very nice. I guess I should have taken a before and after. I may have something in my old photos that has before in it so you can see the difference.
There dark pretty shinny , with the brush metal pulls. Where as before they were an off white laminate with plastic handles.
Looks a hundred percent different.
I paid this young nicarauguan, to help he redrilled all the wholes because the handles were different. But I notice after he in installed five or six, some were higher than others and some slanted. So we had a talk and I asked him to redo all of the them so they were all sort of similar.
He didn't understand why I would be upset? but I explained to him about how it looks and for me to see it everyday would drive me nuts. He laughed I laughed and then he changed it.
Haven't gone to enjoy the beach this week it was just too dang hot. You would fry in a matter of minutes. I love the fact that can I enjoy how the breeze feels and the sound of the waves when you lie in the sun, but honestly this time of the year seems hotter. I have been a little miserable because of the heat. I broke down yesterday evening and turned on the air. Just for a couple of hours. The apartment was like a sauna...being very unconfortable in the heat is not fun. It really wears you out. For example I walk to the center around 10:30 by the time I got two blocks I was sweating from front to back. JUST TOO HOT RIGHT NOW!

I spent time with Rossy this week, seems her business is doing well, I am happy for her. I feel good when I see places doing well and holding out.

It feels like alot of people visiting but not as many in the past years. Spring break is here and we do have quite a few of the students.

Really haven't done much except the cabinets this week and one little consultation for someone opening an new business here. This could be a nice job.

I talk with another friend of mine yesterday on this property that was owned by the father of a friend, who worked for the Columbian news paper. My editor Glenn Wright was friends with this gal, She and I had a lunch before I moved here and she told me about her dads property that was for sale here. She had sold to this Italian guy, which is now a friend of mine. I wanted that place.. but my house didn't sell in time, My Italian Friend scooped it up at a very low price.

Well now he is wanting to get rid of it.. hes tired of Costa Rica.. So we discussed a fair price. This property would be good for Bella Eperanza.. its big enough and close to the beach. I have my fingers crossed that I can find the way to obtain it and begin on the dream I had before coming here. Small world you know? That I should know the orginal owners daughter,come here meet the new one become friends and now some four and half years later.. it may be possible I can find a way to do something with this?

I keep hoping and never will give up the hope.. how it happens I have no idea all I know is that I will keep saying its going to, and somehow pieces will fall together.

Well about the crack down, Yesterday I noticed about 15 transit police, checking cars, passports and obviously looking for people. They were stationed all over our little three road town. Scary really.. but good too because it is a way to clean up all the junk that is going on.

Last night they did a raid on some locations taking bus loads of People to San Jose who weren't carring there passports or Identification on them at the time. The road up in pickups in there swat uniforms, jumped out ran in to places.. and scooped up people.

Two friends that I know from Nicaugua got taken.. one was crying I saw her in the bus. She waved to me and asked if I could help? So today I call her and see what happened?

IT is a different life here, with the good and bad.. sort of a wild west... but now more modernized.

But good that there is some inforcement..

Off to try the beach, its cloudy today so maybe not so hot!