Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hope to go to the USA

Raining allot right now, not cold at all but raining. I am sitting in Rosie's waiting to talk to Brandon on the video chat. The past week was slow again, we did book a house to the whole thing its on the beach so that is going to be a very laid back nice job, because we have the leisure to just wonder out front to the waves for a while and return to putting the house together! how nice to have that luxury.

I beached it twice this week so the tan is looking good not like magda!! but good. I am enjoying wearing a bathing suit for once in my life.
Sunday was nice quiet peace full totally Pura Vida. I watched surfers most of the day, unless the rest I laid in the sun and just basked.. it was great.

Yesterday a new client I met some time ago actually it was three guys from LA California, and they purchased homes here in Esterillos. We were suppose to get together and discuss the homes and the design but there is a delay in the schedule of completion. So it looks like Oct till I get to plunge into that. That was disappointing, but at least some hope for the future travajo! ( work)

Nothing on the love front but I sure do get allot more attention now, Clint gets totally disgusted with the smiles, complements, and whistles.. not to mention linda, guapa, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrica, and more.. it is interesting. The Men here are not oppressed about looking smiling and saying what they feel. Something very different from the USA. I found that the men would hardly give you a glance, people are afraid to look at you especially in the eyes. But here is not the case.. Really its almost shocking to those who are not use to it. Never boring I can tell you that much.
But other than the Lear's, and looks nothing good yet.

I am hoping to go the USA I want to see the kids and just hang out with a couple of my friends. But we will see what happens... Work is not that great the timing seems to be wrong...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yesterday was a bit of a nasty day. The night before I was invited out for a date so I though with an X professional Hockey player to the los Suenos, here in Herradura. I left work around 5:00 rested for a while and waited for him to call. when he did I left to meet him there at the los suenos. We had a glass of wine and I thought perhaps then dinner, he said dinner and drinks and dancing perhaps. He then told me he like to Gamble.I explain that I had no desire nor was I interested in gambling. He wanted to go. I went politely with him, he began with THOUSAND DOLLARS.

This continued for hours until I got so sick to myself thinking about the money he is throwing around and how at this moment I am so short of money. That the thought of him being so carefree about his addiction, on the opposite hand is me worrying about how rents are getting paid and just the idea of eating!!! It made me sick to see him spend thousands and thousands. Finally after another glass of wine and no food I was physically sick too. I asked him if we could leave and get something to eat. Instead of saying yes he said no I am winning right now and I don't want to go. Wait baby wait.. I waited for like 15 minutes more until I could not stand up. I said I need to go I have to eat something. He walked out to my car and said see you later waved.. no hug nothing simply walked off.

I drove home angry and sad wondering what the hell????

I tried to find something open to get food there was nothing open. I went home ate a piece of bread and butter...( about all I have in the house) and ate it and then puked! I was a mess.. sad and hungry and sick from two glasses of wine.

That is why yesterday was just horrible. I was so angry with Cristhian from the following day not completing his list of work and angry at the guy for spending all that money frivolously in front of me... and well just angry!!!

We drove to Esterillos to pick up keys for a house I am doing there on the beach.. all the way there all I could do was think about the dude spending... and Cristhian being a jerk.

Frustrated, worried, all that crap!!! Then I said I need to eat I remembered no eating the day before the two wines the bread... god I needed to eat. We stopped and ate in Esterillos at a little soda near the beach Oh my god it was like 12 dollars for breakfast.. I croaked. Here breakfast runs at the most two dollars... and I couldn't eat It tasted horrible to me.

A little was enough.

Later in the day we had a good day I found out the house in Esterillos is building another house for us to do, then I received an email from two men I met here about 10 months ago and they are coming on the weekend and asked me to do their new house also in Esterillos.!! so now we have two houses to do in the same area.

NOW IF THEY WILL JUST DEPOSIT!!!! lol what a life I swear up and down in and out like the waves that pound the beach here... so similar. Low tides and high tides.

Just if I can learn how to ride the waves and contol... ya think?

We later went and had a hamburger let me say the hamburgers here are called hamburgesa. And trust me there nothing like ours in the states. NOT GOOD but this one hit the spot for me I was needing a hamburger bad.. they put ham and tomato, lettuce and cheese, plus the little hamburger.

We all had a hamburger and fries, Clint ate mine and then we came back to the office.

Then Clint and I went to the beach, here in Herradura watched the sunset it was beautiful! we talked and rested I felt much better by the end of the day. We went home I laid on my leather sofa and that was all she wrote... Down for the night. Woke up today rather late but the day is mellow nothing going on and nothing to said about the houses or deposits. We just talked to Manolo the Spaniard that has a project that is all about pirates.. yes it has gone through now I need to pray that god allows us to be a part of huge almost Disney project in Panama!!!! He promised us that I would be one of the designers for this city that is all about the pirates of the Caribbean. A whole city that is about that... the roads are stones the ships are parked in the bay... the houses are skulls, and no cars allowed only foot, horses, and carts. Its a pirate experience!! sounds nuts but I will go if they allow us to be a part!!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Cristhian on the left and Jay on the right

Approaching Montezuma

This is Phillip and I on the boat

This is the structure that Cristhian help build at the turtle reserve

A good week, no money coming in but a very good week.

It began with a bid on a new house in Los Suenos, 7 am we were told to be there but the architect didn't show till around 8:00. Then on Weds, Cristhian and I went back up to Masatal to get photos of new property. On that is on a hill top over looking all the national park. WOW incredible!! I just want some property bad. This one is very cheap, really spectacular and in a few years with Cangreja being so young as a national park, it should be worth allot more in about five years.

If it was possible for me to purchase this one, I would and make a bed and breakfast or a spa or something ecological for the meer fact that Tourist could enjoy the views and be so close to nature. I should have photos in a day on the net of the property. We enjoyed the day ate at his cousins little restaurant, and came back down the mountain. Only after his uncle got us three pineapples from the field, and also got me a full Branch of orchids off an old tree. The got a big branch and pounded on the branch above that had the orchids growing on untill it fell down all in one piece.

He also dug other plants for me to plant in our office garden. It was fun I enjoyed that day much!

I was in a very bad frame of mind before that drive, then later coming home was so much better.

Rosie messaged me saying come to the cafe and celebrate one of her employees leaving, Henry, he looks amazing like Enrique Englesias!! I mean just like him.

We all went the party was in the front of the cafe in the street. We had a nice time then later we all went to the jungle bar to dance merange, salsa and cumbia.

The following day not much work here.. we hung out made mails and called people but nothing coming up.

I decided to get away over the weekend, someone told me about a place across the bay called Montezuma.. So I called my friend at the Travel agency and she got me cheap tickets. The hotel was $20.00 the whole trip cost me $58.00.

I had a great time you take a small boat across the bay its about two hours in the sea. It is a small surf town but it is adorable. Clean small the best food I have had so far in Costa Rica! No lie it was the best food ever... I ate mahi mahi and later in the evening a salad with fresh tuna avocado, and apples. Cristhian went with me, we met up with some guys from Canada, they were from Montreal, so we stayed with them and whole time. We went in the evening first to the beach and swam. I watched it was too dark, I won't got in the sea after dark.. to many Manta rays. Then we went to a cool restauarnt called Cocolores.. cute Romantic and great food.

They were a gay couple, we had a great time with them!! but I didn't have any cards to let them know my phone so I hope they read this and contact me when they come back through to Manuel Antonio! Jay and Phillip were there names they both were very handsome, and nice.

Later we danced at a club there, then were invited to a beach party where they played trance music.. I was not amuzed but I listened and danced a little. They guys including Cristhian loved it. How weird I though Techno music on a secluded area on a beach in Costa Rica? Ok whatever!!!

The next morning we had to catch the little boat back at nine thirty, so I got up and then work up all the rest and we ate breakfast at a local Soda. What a cool little town so clean and quaint. beautiful churches and hotels not modern, old world cheap... fun! lots of plantings of all the tropical plants and it was done well. The temperature was much milder than Jaco and Herradura. It was great! The ride back was rough, I was soaked all the way.. And so was he.

Got home about 11:30 and went home showered and decided to back to the beach here.. butit was so cold and windy Clint and I just came back home.

I went to bed early, to get up today to start the week again with the hope of good jobs coming! I want to visit the USA so I hope our work picks up soon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I left the office yesterday half the day. We had gone to put out brochures and try to drum up business. It was so boring, not a soul around not a phone call nothing.

This mall is really dead here. I am realizing that the economy in the states is suffering it is directly affecting our work.
I really want to turn this place into a bar. It has all the right quality's of a high end VIP Lounge. Everyone that comes in this places thinks it is.
I have a friend that believes it should be, and he and I will get together here in a couple of weeks and try to put our heads together on how to convert it and make it happen.
I will move the office to a new location, I already have an offer for free. But to loose what I put into this place is a shame. It is not because were not good, or not advertising or trying its because, at this point now there are more than five services in the same area that do similar work.
But we are one of the only ones that does landscape so that part is opening up a little.
I feel worried, but nothing like the way I use to be in the States. I worried so much about things that is would make me physically and mentally ill.
Here for some reason, I know that I am in Gods hands, and I hope and have faith that something will come. I try my best to be strong and not break. I have moments of distress, and sometimes shed a tear or two. But I snap out of it and know that I came here alone with very little, and realize I have done much even in this short time.

I really hope that the bar goes through, It is a good way to retrieve the money I have invested in this place. There is one thing I know for sure in life you can depend on and its change. So I guess maybe I am going to have to go through yet another change in my life in order to succeed here.

Yesterday afternoon I spent on the beach lying in the sand and watching the surfers, it was around 4:00. The clouds had covered the sky no sun was shinning but it was warm and nice for resting and contemplating action on my life.
Clint and another friend of mine Ed, went for a long walk on the beach. The beach was full, lots of people. Ya know its kinda nice in a way that you can just do this and not feel guilty about it.
I think it was healthy for me to just get away for a moment and not be so in drenched with the frustration and worry.

Later Ed, Clint and I ate on another beach in Herradura. I had the entire fish with a little rice and veggies, Clint had Arroz con Camerones, and So did Ed.
After we had cafficitos, that is what they call a little coffee with Cafe Rica, its a liqueur that is like Kahlua. Made here though. Just a little in it makes it sweet and yummy.
I went home to lay on the sofa and watch a stupid episode of Hugh Hefner's DUMB BLOND BIMBOS!! god I am sorry but he is hideous! I watched it but was aggravated watching. You know its only status qou.

I slept well no elephants tromping last night. We have people staying in the house above us watching it for the owners. They are having a baby in San Jose and will return with the baby soon I PRAY. These people make so much noise, it literally sounds like heards of elephants.
We picked up Cristhian, tried to get a meeting with this architect that told me yesterday we would meet, but nothing yet.
And Called a couple of people for appointments.
TOday is the fourth of July, they do not celebrate here but, I think tonight is fireworks at one of the hotels. I am going to Roises then to the hotels to see who? then I may just go out with Rosie after. She is so bored lately too.
She called me and messaged me last night, begged me to come down and keep her company but I was tired and felt the body and mind needed to sleep.
So Tonight I will go!
Nothing exciting sorry people! Wish there was some juicy something I could write.. but then again I have children and well I gotta keep it decent!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Fiesta this weekend, Concerts, Bulls, Horse parades and three story bars.
Dancing with my friend Kevin..

The past week was busy, trying to get new work. We have about four proposals out. One nice one at Los Suenos, that I really hope we get it, it will be working with an architect that has many projects.
Its been a tough month. Not much work and having two employees to support and all the expenses has taking a little toll on my body face and mind.
Although I keep the faith that something good is coming. I try very hard to make sure were working on some sort of bid, so that work is coming.
We have not heard from Villa Montana it is a project I been shooting for for months now. We had four interviews, I felt for sure we were in there.. I need to call today!
Other than that its been allot of fiesta.. this time of year is nothing but that.
Last Monday for example, Cristhian and I went to Guarumal, looked at property to sell and took photos. Its large piece of property 25 hectors, with rivers running through it and rolling hills, also in Santa Rosa we have one that is 90 hectors with rolling hills, mountains, lots of beautiful trees. Then later we went to a chocolate farm called Iguana chocolate near by and visited with the people who run this place. We had hot fresh chocolate, but HELL IT WAS HUMID AND HOT AND well it should have been cold. It was delicious though!!! We talked with volunteers, and ate some freshly made chocolate with bananas and some with pineapple.
The volunteers were all girls from the northwest, and mid west.
Interesting??? a little hippish
Later they invited us for a beer of course... seems this is the nature of country.We ended up being up there for hours.. it was fun but tiring.
Then the rest of the week was hard work.
The weekend was filled with the fiesta, what more can I say.
I miss blogging I been so caught up in work and fiesta. I need to get back into it and give details of what is really going on in my life.
I miss the kids allot, even though I been occupied I miss them. I had a bad incident again someone stole my passport so I am waiting on a call from the embassy to see what I have to do to get another one.
I want badly to go visit, but money is tight and now no Passport.
By 'Ohala it happens!
No love interests, no new friends, but I did visit with Eida this weekend and went with her to the Topi, the horse parade in town. The girls were a part of it and I also saw one of my clients in it so that was nice.
Later I went to Rosie's and hung out, it rained really hard she went to hip hop classes I wanted to go but no money. so I waited and hung out at her place. No people at all were around. This weekend was a zoo so many people that you could not walk. People from all over the country came.
Not many Americans.
So last night was dead.
I went to bed early only to be awaken by noise by the pool it sounded like water plugged up in some tube? it was loud and anoying. Then the raving mad dogs around the corner began barking and didn't stop for the longest time.
I did not not rest well.
Today is mostly working on bids and emails.Cristhian is hung over bad he partied all day total weekend and didn't come home till like 6 in the morning both nights. So hes not working to much mostly sitting and looking at plant books Clint went out too, came in late also, I came home the only night I
went out at 2:30 but the parties here go on till five or six.
Well enough for now be back soon!