Thursday, September 26, 2013

When will the struggle end? After your Dead and gone?

Back to the Story: So Since Clint has been gone I found out several things that were undone in the new Adventure of Cacao lounge. One is back owed rent, SHIT! that is a killer! Then taxes, and a few other things. In the two months time he has been gone I manage to make enough to cover three of the back owed  but still owe two more!!! then the Apartment he was behind on this as well. I KNOW I KNOW your thinking how did you not know this? Ok I will tell you how, When I asked him things ok he would say yes, But never confided in me the problems, When I talk with him on the phone after he was in a immigration jail he told me he just didn't know how to tell me or deal with all this. I asked him why didn't you just give some money rather than none, at least that keeps people off you for a while and shows them your making efforts?  Silence is what I heard after I asked that..... so I am now bound with the issues, taking responsibility  for them of course. 

The First few days after I returned from being jailed for my passport issue, I do not think a person around knew what I was feeling in my head and heart.

Frightened, overwhelmed,alone,lost, a gamete of feelings I could not even define. My head was so hot it felt as if it was going to melt inside of the skull. I had rushes of strange thoughts. I calmed it and tried to put music on all the time to change my feelings and not dwell on things. Change the channel in my head like you do on TV, CHANGE IT and think of other things so I would not go out of my mind. Some how a few jobs of nice proportion came and I kept busy doing things so that helped. But it did not clean up the mess, its still lingering over me. Now it the slowest of slow season has hit and I am banged with the same issues and no where to go no way at this point that I can think of to resolve them. 

 First of all I teach Zumba, this brings in only enough money to eat and keeps my sanity and most of all helps others to keep theirs and brings me health. With out that I think I would literally be totally insane at this point.

The other jobs at this time, are Cacao lounge, I am fighting for this place! it is worth fighting for. People seem to love my products, the creations of my hands and my mind. I give thanks to my mother for that. She was the inventor of the most delicious incredible desserts and I am following right behind her path, My ratings on Tripadvisor are all almost 5 star. My floral work still very beautiful when I get orders, ( right now no money to even have flowers in the store very sad for me I love Flowers I love art of Flowers. I can not wait till it turns around here and the house is filled with Flowers and the smell of chocolate, pastries and flowers fills all of the Cacao lounge.

One other small job, just doing some listings on line for a friend, and placing press releases on calendars for there events in Food and Wine. Thank for for this friend, this particular friend has been my back, my support my arm , my shoulder I adore her and praise her for being so loving and kind to me. She has passion for what she does and she knows that I have passion too for what I do.

CACAO HAS TO GROW... I have plans, but how to accomplish them has not formed in my mind or in reality yet.  

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