Friday, September 30, 2011


When I began this blog it was only about sharing with my friends and Family what life I had in Central America outside of USA. It has been years of living in Central America, with many adventures, travels, incidents accidents, miracles and disasters. I have experienced some things in life that even if you tried to describe it there is no way you can picture the cultural changes and life changes I have been through. Strangely enough My children don't really ask me about my life or my adventures or what I have experience so now instead of making my family aware and friends aware, its mostly about writing and sharing my thoughts on paper. OR should I say on computer?

  I do miss Costa Rica unfortunately the danger factor here caused me to come to Roatan, although Honduras according to the press, it is the most dangerous place to live. EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD NOW HAS IT'S very dangerous and bad sides exposed to the press. But seldom are the good points put into blogs, Facebook groups or pages or on the net. With this in mind, lately I have been blogging about Zumba,  Fitness Program that Changed my life when I visited USA this last time. I knew about Zumba saw the videos, but to do it live with huge groups of people impressed me so much that I realized this was something that belonged in my life. THAT I WANTED TO BRING BACK TO ROATAN HONDURAS and hopefully effect others lives as well.

Its not a salvation by any means , I know there is much more serious causes out there and I read and am Aware but its something that I have passion for and It does effect lives.

 I can say that living here is an Adventure in itself, STILL with out a car, transportation is really a whole process here. When my car was stolen some four years ago and ran into a building by the thieves catching it on fire, I Never realized that I would be four years later on foot still. Although like Zumba it build strength when you have to walk every where, and gives you humbleness, BUT I STILL WISH someone once in a while would stop and pick me up!!! The simple life of walking on dirt streets, and seeing things as you walk has a changing effect on you. Recently when walking down the path to the main road I had a flash back of a day when I was living in Ibiza Spain shortly after the thief of my car, ( I went to Ibiza to see it and work and my gypsy adventure was out of frustration with robberies and crime so I gather up my airfare and just left sought work that is why I went ok) now back to the walk.. I was walking here in Roatan making my way to the main road to catch a taxi to go to my Morning class, when I flashed back to the one day I walked in the morning from My apartment in Jesus, to the other side of Ibiza this took hours, I was all dressed nice, took a cut across a field and saw interesting mud houses, like back in the old days turrets and strange storage tanks made of stone.

In the flash, I began to realize that we as people are only as strong as we want to be, How hard this was for me someone who had three vehicles at one point in my life to now on my feet day after day.. STILL AM, I am not complaining by any means but the point here is With walking, my exercising on top of the struggling to live, I have seen and experience something that most people who get in the car and wizz past don't see or realize. The disasters, the drama, the terrible things I have experienced has made me become wiser for whom I am  not sure yet. But those disasters has created a strong individual, that still to this day want's to be young and be the Modern Gypsy.  I am not the Gypsy like you would automatically think of living in a little cart being pulled down the road by horses, but a Gypsy in respect that they love life no matter what, they find ways to make things work and they go on adventures and find place to live.

Something about not owning much is freeing, I use to have everything. Homes, cars, beautiful gardens, a business that was at one point thriving, BUT WITH ALL that came a pile of stress and bills! now I own nothing and I have very little stress and well no bills.  

I am hoping that with this New Career Zumba Fitness I can help others and it carries me to some very interesting places in the world! I want to see more ( and not just by walking)

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