Saturday, September 25, 2010

Too much time between posts

Its just too much time between blogs that I feel like I lost touch with my own self. I been working so much that I hardly have time to enjoy life. I like the resort, its beautiful and the opportunity to meet many people could be huge. But I feel like I'm lost in the computer world and my creative genius is gone south. I been looking lots at Photos of my work of past years, and looking for new ideas in other Websites of Weddings and events and I feel I am getting inspired to break lose.

I mean not from Infinity Bay but to develop a lost art that supported me for so many years, it raised my two sons, bought me a home, cars and well pretty much sucked the life out of me too because I was doing everything in the business. Now I have a great game plan. Meaning this: I want to develop it in Roatan, There are no real designers here per say, I was a very high end Event designer, award winning and Now there is an opportunity for me do this again. But the plan is different as I said. I already have someone who is going to take care of customers, track the customers, deal with the orders, and help out in administration, I have a sales person, and plan to find a runner guy, someone who goes and gets products that I need for that specific event or party. Leaving me to do the pretty work.. I think its going to go very well, I will incorporate a new idea into it, dealing with Chocolate. I have the connection already in place and now its just getting the contracts and the clients and were off and running.
I know that it may sound wild, I have a job but this job is completely different than I thought I was being hired for. It is basically sales, phone, Computer, and numbers crunching numbers. I CAN DO IT AND I AM but the creative genius in me is sad. I think in life you have to do those things you love in order to succeed. I think its great I have this income and Its sure is helping in a new development stage.
But in reality the lack of time to enjoy life?? I mean I have one day a week to do things, and then its normally Sunday. Here on the Island Sunday almost everything is closed. ONE GROCERY STORE IS OPEN but It very far away and I still do not have a car. If this goes right I may have an option to lease a cool Toyota Tundra truck this is what I have been wanting for years. HOW I don't know I don't care I'm not worrying how all this is going to work out I am just keeping the idea in my head and going for things.

I will say this I am grate full for this job its just at 56 I think life should be a bit more fun. I have lots of fun in the last 7 years but lots of trudging, now perhaps with the right moves the right plan it could be better. If not GREAT.

Today is beautiful day the sun is out the wind is blowing its hot but not blazing hot. Tomorrow half a day here cleaning out this mess I work in, and finishing up one contract. Seems people are not signing as fast as I would want, I know the economy is showing me that its much more difficult to get them to agree than when I was in business before. But with events destination weddings its not that tough to sell, they need it I have it and I know how. FILL THE NEED you will succeed.
Have a great sunday

Monday, September 06, 2010

Now the job comes

Part of my garden under the house the house is three story That tree is planters palm and is about 35 or 40 feet tall
So we moved into the house, split the bills half and half and found that the whole house was painted blue inside, except the Bathrooms Mine is a weird monkey puke green or should I saw a slime green, and his is conch pink. The tiles are gorgeous not expensive ones a computer print but simulate rock. So soon on the agenda is painting, regardless of the colors its a cool place! BUT THERE IS A LOT OF BLUE the kitchen is cookie monster blue with really nice marble counter tops and stainless steel fridge, and black cook top. It could be a awesome set up done right.. But I'M GRATEFUL! SO GRATEFUL I Don't think anyone can imagine how Grateful I am? to be away from that filth and stink of apartment in JACO and to be away from the thickening Crime scene, the garbage that is out of hand now and the prices that are sky rocking in a surely down trodden economy? dose not make sense any more.

Roatan is beautiful, its really different, but beautiful. I think I am pretty lucky in many ways, I may not have a TV, or Radio or furniture or car or well for that matter much of anything... but Im so lucky to be living what I feel, and what I dream. So many people just talk, never put action in anything they imagine. But I learned that what ever you can dream of whatever you can imagine it is possible for it to become your reality. It doesn't have to be travel or living in an exotic place like I have been doing. It could be you want to open up a business? or you want to have a beautiful sofa, or you just want to do something different for yourself. Maybe your sick of your situation with your wife, or your husband and you always think in your head you wish you were alone or doing something completely different.. THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN. So you want o buy that diamond ring? and ask someone to marry you but your thinking how can I buy this my work will not provide that amount of money. Well think it enough and some how some way it will come to you how.. NO NOT BY ROBBING A BANK! I knew you were thinking that.. its just amazing how the mind is the inventor of anything you need and want. When you want something bad enough you can make it happen don't cry about I don't have this or that be grateful for what you have and it brings a lot more to you! So go one believe whatever it is your wanting right now to happen and I promise you it will!
I always wanted to live in a tropical place, I forever thought oh my god how I am not married, I dont have tons of money and that kept me from getting more.. Now in these past few years I have learned that you yourself have the power to do anything you set your mind to do. AMAZINGLY ENOUGH it comes.

The Job comes:
I had written lots of places before arriving here, also had written lots of places in Portland Oregon as well, No response from any one there but had lots of responses from people here. ( deciding factor on where I was going!) I had an interview with Carnival Cruise line to decorate the port for Christmas, so I went hopped on a bus, caught another bus that was free and headed out to French habor! I had a great interview with them and then headed back to West bay to see a new friend I met. I carried the portfolio with me When he saw some of my work he exlaimed! GO TALK TO THE GENERAL MANAGER RIGHT NOW. I said why? for events he said yes.. well in my mind I was saying cool this is just what I wanted to be doing sub contract for the bigger resorts.
I went the interview went well and in two days negotiated but it was the director of events at Infinity bay resort. Well! that was nice... lets see how this works out now. I have been here two months now and its very rough, not much organization, Im not just doing decor, Im actually selling the events, answering inquiries for rooms, and honey moons and trying to book conferences. We have a great facility and I believe in time I will do very well here.

Its a beautiful place and as I said I'm very grateful for the things that have come to me and are still coming! FUNNY Im still believing in the pickup truck I NEED THAT NOW MORE THAN ANYTHING! getting around this Island is not easy, in fact its worse than in Costa rica, the transit system is not really very good, the Taxis are Super expensive and things are not located near one another. No malls, only a tiny one, Three grocery stores but very far apart and lugging food home on the bus, and lugging up a steep hill then up three flights of stairs is surely getting me in better shape! BUT IM STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT? anyhow this is the next thing that has to come to me soon! I need transportation! BAD so I hope this happens SUPER SOON THIS MONTH!
In a few days I will post photos of the house so stay tuned

Friday, September 03, 2010

Friday Sunset Barge Party

This is Captain Perry's Barge Bar Near my house
Mayan Stone Carvings at the Hotel in Tegus

As I was saying in the last blog, Getting here was literally a miracle, The one thing that really freaked my beak was the airport when we left Teguchigalpa was so cold in the morning that I was shivering to death not use to the airconditioning being so cold so early. I had my Purse, my computer and when the call came for boarding I was the first seat in this small 15 or so passenger plane. I jumped up and boarded the plane was half full when they went to close the port.
My foot was actually on the port as its part of the floor in the first seat. They shut it and slammed my toes into the port. I jumped and yelped, they opened it and let me loose. Fortunately my foot was ok just a little red and painful. The flight was short and nice one hour or so. I watched out the window as we flew beautiful sites of Honduras below and then we came to the sea. The Caribbean is so beautiful from the sky or the ground. The colors range from 7 shades of blue. Deep to pale to clear blue. As we passed La Cieba I could begin to see the islands in the distance.

I have been to Roatan before so I knew which one was my destination. Watching as we approached I began to smile, knowing that a new adventure awaited me. The feeling of excited filled my head and my heart and joy was inside of me before we landed.

The unknown to most presents fear, but for me it brings excitement to know I will be discovering all sorts of new ideas, places, foods, ways of transportation and living.

We disembarked, waited for the luggage. The small and quiet airport was with out many arrivals, it was early almost 8:00 am. We were five of the 15 waiting on the luggage, when it arrived I realized I was missing something??????? I searched and I looked I ran back out to the tar mac and then ask the young Islanders that were unloading the plane if they saw a black case with my Computer??? No they said
Oh my I was such in a hurry to board I left it at the airport in Teguchigalpa. Now I really was panicking. Reason everything in the computer? it was my only form of communication too. It had my Magic jack in it my information, Birth certificate and more, copies of passport lots of important documents. MAN I WAS UPSET, I went right away to the desk of the airlines, and Asked if they could call and see if it was still there or if someone had picked it up. I described to the lady what it looked like and what was inside. She made the call and yes someone had picked it up who worked in the airport. THANK GOD!! the next day the flew it in for me at no charge and took extra special care of it! Wow that was a relief.

So on our way to West end which is where I wanted to land we had a taxi, of course seeing we just got off the plane they figured dumb Tourists. I spoke Only Spanish to him and he asked me where are you from. I explained I Just came from Costa Rica and I lived there and was planning on living here in Roatan now. He didn't care he still charged us some 25 dollars to take us to west end.
West end is the beach front with all the shops, restaurants,Bars, Discotechs and life! lots of dive shops and souvenir shops. Its a nice little community not much like Jaco but still a community where you can walk to places, so my thoughts were that being with out a car this would be best for now. Close to things being able to get out and meet people and communicate in order to learn more about the Island.

NOW I live in West End, as I said in the second week after we stayed at Chilis, which by the way is a back packers heaven, Super simple rustic pretty surroundings, but WOW IS IT A MOSQUITO BOG! my god We got ate alive, the owner has this idea that leaving all the cuttings from the plants and the rotting fruit is good for the plants, in reality if it was on a compost pile and decomposed and then put on the plants yeah! but To leave it all over, number one it is messy, number two the water and moisture stays and collects in the leaves and rotting fruit, making it very attractive for lots of bugs, and mosquitos, and san cudos. TINY LITTLE PESTILENCE, that bite like lions. Number three the water that drains off the washer that runs daily is sitting on top of the ground in one main area that breeds the mosquitos. So YEAH after almost two weeks there I was nothing but bites and the rustic part of it had gotten to me to no extent. They gave us a big cabin, rough wood floors, clapboard walls with cracks, even the floor you could see the ground below. No paint just rough on the feet too. Well we thought we were alone in this cabin, my friend and I Clint. My long time assistant and good friend. ( NOT A BOY FRIEND MORE LIKE MY SON) when one day they sent these middle eastern boys they came walking in late at night and stomped into the space and just making all kinds of noise, I was shocked? I thought well how come they the check in people didn't say you will have someone staying in the cabin with you and give us warning? It was a bit scary because we were both relaxed I was laying in the hammock in my surrong, and sitting in a small chair just relaxing late at night around 11:00. WEIRD SITUATION! they scared me I had my purse out who knows who they were? Not to mention we were in the back of the back of the back of the property the last cabin in the jungle, it could be anyone?? So that spurred me to find a place like NOW We just asked around and someone gave us a number of this woman named Harmony.
We went Snorkeling and that was so fun! I have been before Clint never. He struggled fighting the water and the fins until I just stopped him and explained how to float become as thought your part of the water and let your body relax and the water will take you on a journey. He practiced a while then he got it some but still struggling. I kept going, I went far saw so many fish, sea flowers, brain coral, coral of every variety. Fan coral and Many Urchins, Puffer fish, huge angel fish, Lion fish and the most beautiful Red and brown poka dot fish??? Wow what an experience. We have been snorkeling ever since that day once a week at least.

Well that next day we found the house perfect, both of us wrote a list and didn't show each other the list. We wrote what we wanted and what the house we felt look like. He described blue, I said wood, I said great views he said quiet, me too with out dogs. In fact the list was almost identical. Well in a hour we packed up went in a taxi to see the house met the guy and signed on the dot. It was the perfect house everything we described. WE both have been drawing things into our life, My assistant Clint has not believed that I could do this so I been having read a couple of book's that I have and still read and it helps in changing your energies and bringing positive things and in fact all things you desire into your life! MORE TO COME

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Roatan Life and Working

Statue out front of the Mayan Hotel

Roatan Beach front West bay
Well, I manage to sell everything in about two weeks time and make enough to get the tickets to fly to Roatan and to rent a hotel and look for a house.So I packed up what I could take in Three suitcases and only kept a few choice items that meant something to me. Such as
Photos of my children and one of my good friend Sharon and I
My Italian cooking utensils
My mortar and pistils, one my son made me the other was from Italy
Two pewter mirrors, one from Nicaragua, the other Costa Rica
My new coffee maker
A bar set Paul Brown bought me that is chrome
all my capuccino cups from Italy ones my mother had made for me as a little girl
The rest some fabrics, and a few clothes,
Three pairs of shoes, makeup the clothes didn't amount to much

I caught a bus to San Jose Costa Rica, the problem was the night before we had a little celebration with some of my close friends, Orfa, Helen, Joey, Eida and one other. I drank four glasses of wine, these days I just cant drink.. More than two glasses and I am sick the next day or have a horrible head ache. But I felt really good! and happy with my old Friends so I didn't care nor did it hit me that I was over the limit.
Staying at Ofra that night I got up early our bus to San jose left at 5:00 in order for us to arrive at the airport at 8:00 to fly out at 10:00. Well the whole windy bus ride was too much I ended up vomiting the whole way. Two and half hours of vomiting and deathly ill.

When we arrived at the airport I could barely stand I was so weak. I looked I'm sure like living hell. I stumbled in dragging all three suitcases, a carry on a computer and a heavy purse. Hit the tax station to pay your fees to leave the country, the gal at the station ask me if I was sick, she must have notified the clerks at the counter because when I manage to drag my carcase over to the check in, they immediately ask me what I was sick with. I simply said I got car sick and had vomited all the way from Jaco.

So they would not let me in until I felt better, which was about half an hour. I finally came back to check in and they passed me through.

Boarded the plane:

I first flew into Teguchigalpa Honduras, this is the Capital of Honduras its located in the center of this hilly range, the plane actually has to fly in circles three times to land. That was fun after being car sick for several hours. I almost thought I was going there again! But I held tight and made the landing and disembarked. We grabbed a taxi after bargaining with the airlines for a ticket to Roatan. They didn't have any thing open so we had to stay for two days in Tegus in order to get a flight out to Roatan.

Then the Taxi driver took us to what I had looked up on line and it was in the most dangerous part of the city. I said NO the moment I saw it so I asked him nicely just take me to a safe and good place. We ended up at the Mayan Hotel beautiful! practically five star. I got a nice suite top floor, when I looked out my window it was about dusk, there was a huge statue of Jesus like in Rio starring at me down at my room. Massive statue with arms extended. I felt protected, then I looked below and there was hundreds of houses stacked against each other covering the hillsides, next to the statue was a giant sign that was lit up saying COCA COLA! so Jesus loves Coca cola I thought?? Pretty funny really.. but such a cool site when it was dark and all the lights of the city were down below with the towering savior above.

We spent the two days site seeing, going to a very cosmopolitan mall, where I was surely impressed that Not many Americans or Costa Ricans know how sophisticated the Hondurans are?? SHOCKED really reminded me of things I saw in California USA in Beverly Hills. Very upscaled, So I bought just a few little things that I could fit in my carry on, a pewter shell plate, small for jewelry. A pair of white shorts, a white long flowing dress for the beach, some sandals. Now that I am here on the Island my sorry I didn't buy more. Not a whole lot here to shop, no household items, no stores to buy accessories for the home, No real good clothing stores or cheap ones at fact. No shoes. All the shoes are plastic, flat sandals, ITS AN ISLAND everyone wears flip flops. So it was a little shocking Coxen hole the main city here is something out of the old west. Dirt roads, all beaten down clapboard buildings, houses on stilts, run down broken down buildings with people living in them and selling things out of them. But the great thing is! The cruise ships, lots and lots of cruise ships every week. The ports are spectacular! the shops in the ports expensive but nice.
I manage in the two months I been here to get around but it AIN'T EASY wow!!!!

Without a car really tough. One main road, most things are located in or near Coxen hole, or French Harbor. I have only discovered a few places.. reason is.. I found a house beautiful house and I moved in the second week I was here and in that second week I manage to get a job a very large resort. MORE TO COME!