Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Life new adventures!

Life is different here, As moving To Roatan renewed my energy. The choice was balanced by a friend of mine that had moved here in the first part of April. She hadn't planned on moving here but fell in love with Roatan, bought a business like that! and then just came back to Costa Rica and packed up and moved. SMART LADY! soooooooo about a month or so later she emailed me and said Marianna I am thinking about remodeling this little Ice cream Shop called Caribbean Creamery. The first person I thought of is you. She said I am not going to spend a whole lot of money but I am willing to pay your airfare, and a little bit for you to do it. I thought about it for like three or four weeks, I had a project going so I couldn't just up and leave. I did some research and checked out hundreds of photos of Roatan, and read lots and lots on the Island before going. I booked my flight, long flight by the way from Costa Rica costing about 500 dollars. Came in and was not that impressed right away. But when we got to her house and I saw the area she bought in I thought to myself my god this would be perfect for a business I have had in my head for some three years.

I didn't have much time to look around, since I worked pretty hard long hours to finish up in a weeks time. The last day she gave me money for he water taxi and I took a few hours before I flew out to check some things out. I went out in the taxi in the clean, clear Carribe.. My God was it ever so preciously beautiful. The driver ask me if I wanted to snorkel out there, I said yes but I didn't have the 50 bucks for the rental of the mask, flippers and snorkel. He opened the cabinet on the boat and showed me he had tons of them. So I took one took off my dress, which my bikini was on under it and put it on and dove in .
The water was cooler than Costa Rica and way cleaner, I swam a ways to a point near the end of West Bay.( Which is where I am at now) there is a point its all lava very strange formations. I swam and came near it as I know from my past snorkeling experiences, that most fish hang out in that area. Well the water there appeared to shallow but it was a mistake. It was deep deep deep.. I looked down and saw huge fish, Seriously HUGE! and it scared me so bad that I began to breath really hard in the snorkel. I swam fast as I could, faster and faster.. scared as hell! Got the boat and they guy was laughing hard. I said in Spanish what? he asked are you afraid? I said yes he said why? I said cause I saw something huge and I have no idea what it was.. he said was it shark? I said I didn't take the time to identify it I just ran in the water pretty much! he was laughing so hard I said get me in the boat.. I flipped my flippers as hard as I could getting up some what then only to sink back down.
I kept kicking and kicking but couldn't get my self up enough to get in the boat, he suggested use the motor on the back, but I took one look at that blade and the fear that was in me and SAID NOOOOOOOOOOOOO no way! With my luck I would cut my leg or foot off, bad enough I have a bad foot that constantly hurts, there was no way In the world I would step on that. So he helped pull me in laughing the whole time while I was practically hitting him to shut up.
I laid on the floor of the boat exhausted and he was still smiling. He told me not to be afraid but I couldn't help it that was the first time in my life I felt fear like that, well I lie maybe the second time the first time was when I was kayaking and a shark came up to my kayak an swam right along next to me for the longest way.. but anyhow! We drove around the Island I saw how beautiful the sites were and the homes the mansions, and the poor areas the ghettos, the Beaches and hillsides, with forests and jungle mixed and I thought, hmm I could find some kind of work I'm sure in ROATAN.

So he dropped me off on the beach in front of Banana Rama, a lady came up to me asking for massage, I said come and get me in a hour. I wanted to swim more before I left so I swam, she came back to retrieve me, and then did the massage right in the sand on a sirroung. It was good not great, but my body was so tired from painting and fixing for a week that anything would have felt good.
A touch is needed on the human body and rarely do I get touched so I was loving it!!!

Then I loaded up my things and flew back to Costa Rica, thinking all the time about Roatan and how could I get there how much money would I need? and what could I do. NEVER REINVENT THE WHEEL. Do what you love have passion in what you do and success will come to you! thats what I heard in my little now blond head.( brunette for years age has cause me to die it blond) So it was weeks of thinking and planning and putting out the energy to the world, and to my friends that I would be moving to a place that is unique in the world! ROATAN

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