Tuesday, July 06, 2010


As time past things calmed down but the same thugs are on the streets, threatening and bullying and robbing. I stayed away I didn't go out at night for months and months. I been trying at that point to get jobs outside of Jaco. I manage finally to land a couple of landscape jobs and do those very well, working early in the morning to afternoon. Stopping at 1 since the heat is so horrendous! Can't work past 1:00 pm. Coming home exhausted. I work right along with the workers, hauling out trees, and chopping, pick axing, and cutting pruning more. Load after truck load of materials and finally after a month of work we finished the beautiful landscape in Faro Escondido. A house sitting on top of a ledge of the sea cliff and below a private beach. I stayed away from anyone in the town so not to have any issues. For months I did with out TV, and the things that were stolen from me. I never had enough money to replace anything so just did with out. Then after I finished Faro I landed a job in Bejuco mind you months have past with no work what so ever. Doing with very little, and making it. Hard but I did it!! In the mean time I met up with a foreigner from Canada, Strange man , lets just say hes a lawyer, and knows how to get his way( so he thinks) or pushes to get his way always. He was ordering me around on the internet to do this and do that, and demanding I find the things he needed to do this so called business he wanted to start. He heard about me through a client and saw the work in a Condo I did was impressed I guess? and Then wanted to meet me. We met up and he ask if I could help him get this business together. So I dilgently worked on it for 6 months, never did he send money, I asked him several times to put money in my bank with the report of what I have accomplished and and sending him all the information he would demand from me. After about 5 months he said he was coming back and would pay me when he arrived. During this time I was doing a landscape job in Bejuco for a beautiful lady and I was enjoying making her place pretty for her. He showed up one week and requested, or should I say again demanded that I take time with him while he was here. So I left Clint in charge at the job site with the two other guys I had working and I went with this man for four or five days to do what he needed. He doesn't speak Spanish and has no clue how Costa Rica operates. So I was assisting him in everything you can think of from finding Attorney's, paper work, materials, leases, sites,design, and just everything you can imagine( still no payment) I asked him the second day I was chaufering him around if he would please pay me for the past work and now. He agreed to pay but I never saw the money. Getting more frustrated with him as he is a super difficult man to work with I bit my tongue and kept going with the hopes that in the end I would have this Design job of doing his new so called Piano bar of all things in Jaco? I invited him over to my other clients house to see the work, eat with us and find out more about me. Even though he had me do all these things for him he still was questioning my abilities, and my character? ok I was about at my end with this CHARACTER, MEET ALL KINDS HERE IN JACO WOW! he came and My client the woman did not like him and told me to be carefull. Finally Embarrassed at him from some of the things he said and did to me and my friends. I was ready for him to leave. He asked me to drive him to the airport and return his car. STILL NO PAYMENT, I told him then you must pay me today, well he missed his flight and we rushed back to get another one he was successful at finding a flight from his agent that books everything for him. Returned the car and at that moment I said please pay he said well I don't have time. I knew that the Airport had an ATM and I litereally walked him to the ATM and helped him get me money, but it was less than half that I ask for and then he left. I waited for weeks for him to deposit the rest finally after me bugging he sent through western union some cash but still short 160 dollars. He sent a proposal to my friend on the lease pretty much demanding she do all the remodle that is his responsiblity, and lower the rent and more and more. And then wrote me a letter after she responded and said NO to everything, this guy writes me to straigthen out the mess, I wrote back saying there is no mess and its between you and the lady with the space. PEOPLE! so after hearing this I gave up ON JACO AND COSTA RICA I Made a new plan. I can not suffer this anymore. I had another so called job fall through at the same time. After all that I figured this is enough enough enough. I had an idea that came to me about three years ago and thought ok maybe this is the time to move on this

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