Thursday, July 02, 2009

GOD I FORGOT I HAVE ABLOG maybe no bodys reading

ITs been so long and so much has happen that I have completly forgot I have a blog. I don't know if I even have any readers any more. So much crap has happen in the last few weeks. Its crazy. I just came back from a two day thing in San jose. I went for a job interview for some event center there but It ended up not really turning out like I had thought. We will see how this pans out in the future,
I been Talking to a good friend of mine of many years she plans on coming here some time in fall along with Clint who is now going to return for good!
My friend found me on Face book and its been so nice to be chatting with her and telling her some things about Costa Rica, that has comsumed me lately.


Weather has been rough lately lots of rain and bad storms. The sea has been ultimately high the highest I believe I have ever seen it. Soon there is a world surf competition and people are begining to come and practice on a sea that is dangerously wild. The weather can be perfect in one moment in the next it changes to wild wind and rain, Although I still go and visit the sea there hasnt been much beach to lay on.
Rocks are every where, huge logs too.. dangerous all together.
When the Surf competition hits the end of the month I hope the sea is better for there sakes. It will take place In Playa Hermosa not more than five minutes from Jaco. Already they have built towers and structures for people to watch and buy products. The beach I am sure will be filled with consessions and people.

Much has happened but I only remember a few things to account in this blog.
I been trying to find any sort of work, and found a little here there's not much really to speak of. But I manage to get by.. some how some way it works out.
Thats fine but I would like to be heading towards my goal of finding bella and getting someone to invest so I can begin moving on this.. this is a charmed life I should say but better than charmed would be to accomplish a goal I had since I first arrived in Costa Rica.
I have done two tours in the last month one was three days and the other was four. Both gentle men were professionals and it was the first time in Costa Rica. I did very well on the first one and the second one was more interesting.

It was someone I replied to an add on craigslist looking for an English speaking guide. I responded coresponded and landed it.

He is a producer of videos and clips,and shows on TV, I can not reveal the name but he has some good shows that people would know about. He came here with the intention of fliming wild areas, and adventures for a new pilot on TV called Work hard Play hard. About two young women who do adventures together. Opposite in styles but should be funny and interesting.
He wanted things that are not quite the common tour. So I found everything except one that we booked and it went a rye. But should the show be accepted, I will be working with them and the crew on finding more for them to film.
He flimed alot I mean alot. We started out in San Jose I picked him up at the airport and drove us to Jaco but stopping and some beautiful places, for him to experience some of the real Costa Rica that most Tourist don't do or see. Example:
Top of the jungle mountain in rain forest clouds drinking fresh coffee that was picked down below the mountains from the peoples farm. Make in a sock the way they have for years here the flavor is strong and so fresh and very tasty. We ate Casero cake made of corn and savored the coffee along with it.
Then drove on ward almost dark to a place were all the fruit is sold in masses. Things he has never heard of or seen, or tasted. The vendors were so nice and had us sample all sorts of odd things. HE was amazed and I was happy to see his face as he gracefully tried things he was not sure of.
We loaded up with goodies and I drove onward in the dark to Jaco. I explained to him that in the dark the first time it seems long but its a beautiful ride in day time and when you go back you will see. Sure enough when he did leave he wrote and told me WOW IT WAS GORGEOUS.. and he made it back fine on his own that in its self is a miracle because there are no signs the roads are curvy and winding and there parts of it not finished and it just stops.
After arriving in Jaco I checked him in a hotel near my place I booked for him. We had a little snack, and a couple of Caparinas and then decided to go out for the evening. We went to a couple of places so he could see the town. He liked it very much this was part of the job. Because he needed to see the night life as well for the segment.
The following day I had planed for us to do a private quad tour on properties not on the tours so he could see things. But the my friend Gravin was busy so I said ok lets go to Esterillos. In the drive he was very happy looking at the incredible country side and commenting. WE got in to Esterillos and I showed him the endless beach he did a little filming there, then I showed him the Mermaid that is out in the ocean that has a great story. I cant tell it now but soon as the pilot is out I will tell the story. I asked the owner of the hotel who built this mermaid if we could talk with him. He was out of the area and said some other time. So he filmed the Mermaid, feet in the sand, and waves close up the mermaid.Then we drove back to do the tour. FUN FUN FUN only two quads me on the back of Gravin and him alone.
We went high up in the jungle rain forest as we climbed it became lush and greener, a little cooler not much. Soon we crossed riverd and streams and then all of sudden, saw ducks wild ones on the road, Cows wandering about all over. THEN TO MY LEFT as Graven drove we saw a waterfall so down to the fall we went and he flimed my feet dangling in the fall and all of the fall and areas surrounding the falls. Leading out of the fall we climbed higher.
Now we really saw something spectacular. Slowing driving upward on a graded hill of packed dirt. We saw about 40 monkeys traveling from tree to tree right in front of us close up less than 20 feet. THey stopped all the monkey gaurds stopped and watched us and then signaled to the other monkey's to move forward. The stopped in front of us we stopped turned off the bikes, Then he filmed then playing eating and grabbing mangos. Some were doing the cheekie cheekie.. ( YA KNOW) being they saw a female.. funny I thought!! I laughed actually. It was a beautiful thing really they were in awe of us and we were in awe of them.
After about 15 minutes we moved on to the top of the mountain I mean the very top. ABOVE THE CLOUDS.. wow that was outstanding. MARVELOUSA.. watching the clouds move past us and around us he got great footage of clearing of areas and filling of areas and watching the formations of the clouds change right in our faces.
Then the utlimate. There is a place its a little restaurant, but not like you may imagine. ITs nothing but posts, raw trees, holding up a roughly made roof. WIth dirt floors and a wood burning oven fire to cook on. It sits on the top of the mountain rough wood tables made of slabs of trees, and stools are stumps. The woman gave us some fresh cooked yucca with butter yummmmmmm.. then coffee the way I described earlier, then casero cake empanadas. Enjoying this was fun then came the toucans right there to inspect us. So he ran with his video cam and got great footage of them close up and singing.
I saw the rustic sugar cane squeezer machine its a crank with a vice and a crude funnel that the juice somes flowing out of. I notice all the cane sitting there big shoots of it. I asked her if she could make us some but to wait because I thought this would be a good thing for the two girls in the show to try to do them selves. Ok so he got ready to shoot it, I was on one side, graven on the other, and the lady in the middle shoving the cane through. kinda like the old washing machine Idea where you feed the clothes through to wring them out??? yea thats it!!
I CRANKED WOW THAT WAS HARd the first time the second time harder the third time she trippled the same cane in half and I could harldy crank it. I told this guy that would be hillarious if the girls were trying and one go the hair caught int here while she was doing it.. He liked that..
NOW COMES the tasting... its green in color and it washes down this crude dirty looking black metal spout.
She put in a container as it flowed out and then went and put a bit of wated in it and served us in glasses the juice. REFRESHING AND TASTE SOME LIKE ICE TEAT WITH SUGAR.. but funny he said im gonna make a joke. The sugar bowl was sitting on the counter.. he took a drink said NO NEEDS MORE SUGAR
we all laughed. SHe got the joke it was pure sugar cane NO NEED for more sugar GAWD!!!

So we drank and then mounted up to head back. Going down being very happy with the results of the day. We ended up at Genasha, having a mechelada, and watching only one of our most beautiful SUNSETS here..

The next day was suppose to be the repelling of waterfalls but that all fell apart, something happen with the reservation I made.. but we did end up driving to Manuel Antonio he saw the area and we met a friend who he knew had aplace called the blue monkey. So we visited and returned home. that night a great Sushi dinner at Sunamis, and then out for the last evening.
He met rossy and we all had a great time.
Now this week I met another two men who are developing an Event center in San Jose, I had an interview but as I said I am not sure about how this will turn out. I spent two days at there home with other employees of theres too, Its like abig compound . So I was not alone, they also have a development in Esterillos of all things!!! Called Las Olas. It is in the begining stages, but I would love to have a piece of that for Bella Esperanza.
Well more on this tomorrow I sure hope I still have readers I been so bad about writing.
I have to find somewayto make money off this or other internet things!!! GOT ANY IDEAS?? let me know.. life is ok.. tonight I am going with out with Rossy. I haven't seen her since Sunday we had a great Italian dinner at this little place that is truely authentic here. Then later we had coffee and talked at her coffee shop.


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