Monday, June 15, 2009


Although I have not writen in two weeks , I am still alive and living in Costa Rica.
It has been raining the past few weeks about three times or so a week. Last night I was awaken to the sound of crashing rain. It's kinda plesant but yet startling too.
The river that I live next to swells in the rain, really makes lots of sound in combination oof the rain hitting the tin roof that covers my apartment. The sound of rain on tin is certainly loud.. a completely different feeling about the rain.
The sun was shinning bright Yesterday it was one the best days since Rossy and I went to the tortuga Island.
The Sun came up really early I felt it shinning on my face as I laid in the bed, surrounded by all white sheets white bed covers and white billowy curtains.

When you lay in my bed as you look To the left the view is peacefull morning gazing out over the mountains, with the light clouds hanging over the tips of the hills. Very pretty, the green grasses now are very high from all the rain. It's hot its not cold , I do notice in the mornings it is breezy and very fresh... I like this time of year.

I got up and made coffee as normal, Cleaned up from the night before. I had a freind over we ate popcorn watched Tv Drank wine and hung out.. So cleaning up and doing dishes, and just hanging out in the early Sunday Morning time.. I went back and forth to the bedroom several times but the last time I looked on the tin roof of the cover for the Washer and dryer .This cover sits in line with the bottom of the window of my bedroom making a platform to the window, since Im on the second floor.. the palm trees in the background with bougenvillas in hot pink bloom.. cover the small structure. Huge planter palms behind all that with a giangantic Jungle trees past that. There sat a small Orange monkey sitting on the tin roof looking in the window of my bedroom.

The windows are huge they are about 7 x6 feet. Two of them end to end so the view is great its really nice actually.. I saw this for the very first time ever since I lived in Costa Rica. A monkey so close I could touch it if I opened the window so I slowly walk to the window I had orange shorts on and a orange bikini top and he stopped and staired... he was orange too? Maybe he was thinking I was a relative? I dont know but it was strange he just stopped and swayed back and forth and watched me I smiled and talk to it.. stayed there for a few minutes for me to enjoy.. Never in Town Have I ever seen a monkey that close!!! I was delighted, smiling and thinking this is great luck sign for me.

A few minutes later a friend of mine showed up the one that was here the day before I asked if we could go to platya Esterillos, which is fifteen minutes away from here. They agreed. We loaded up and went for the ride to mountain to get the car, from a taxi. We tried to start it and it wouldn't start, pushing this old jeep wouldn't get it to start so we took yet another taxi up the mountain where they live and got another friend to help push the car. Rode back down with surf boards and all our gear for the beach.
Got it started and then drove to Esterillos for a beautiful Sunday on this endless beach.
When we arrive the tide was very low so surf was not that good.. we just bought some things to eat and munch on ,put up hammocks and I threw my surrong on the sand. We laid around talking eating coconuts and drinking the milk from some that were close.
In the trees behind us were lots and lots of Macaws making so much noise you had to talk over them in order to be heard.
We walked the beach picked up shells and played in the tide pools.. saw an eel and then walked back to the jeep.
Hung out for another hour or so then came back to Jaco after going to the house they changing their clothes and getting cleaned up.
We went later and ate Isreali food and got stuffed.. I had humus and home made peda bread, they had swarma, and lamb with salad and rice.
It was a nice Sunday, one of the best days since Rossy and I went to the Island.
Other than this I been watching the macaws lately close to the apartment, trying to find any sort of work.. strange as it is I know how to do so many things, so much talent and nothing going on.. I am little weary but not sad. Right now Im trying my best to stay positive and believe that something good is coming my way soon!!!!


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