Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I bet your wondering what I am doing

I have nothing much to say about USA, Being here for one month and a week, and have walked alot. One day in the pouring down rain with cars splashing me and being soaked to the bone. This weather here is just ugly. WHERE IS SUMMER? OR IS IT ETERNALLY WINTER?
Although I can say I am thankfull for the help from two of my friends Here in the USA. One of them has helped me so much in many ways, by being a true person, a normal person , good friend. Laughing, talking, taking me if I need to do something, being genuinly kind, drinking wine, discussing new business plans, encouraging me to be strong and keep going. Actually including me in when things are going on.
I have been working for a company here that produces Food and Wine Shows, www.northwestfoodandwine &
It has been a very good expereince. I really am enjoying broading my horizon's by learning more about Food and Wine. My job was to do spread sheets with contacts, and make all the media contacts for there show in Monterey. This has been different but easy for me and very good for my spirit.
It was really interesting and fun to contact the many news papers, magazines, Television and Radio. I would send Vip passes to important people, and send out the press releases. I just thank god for my friend's who has been such a help and blessing.
The other friend Sharon my jazzercise owner instructor friend and I in the past month have grown very close once again. So my dance energy that I used to Belly dance has been diverted to doing Jazzercise, not has hard but good. I enjoy the music. The gym I created for her is pretty much still the same. I would love to do some changes to it in the future. She still has the article I wrote for the news paper here on the entrace to the gym, with my old photo next to the column, and the photos of the before and after. That kinda warmed my heart when I walked in the first time. The point that she had left it up.. just nice.
I am glad I have made friend's with her... I have also talk to Clint he's is being very kind to me too, actually fed me a couple of times. He's really a good cook!! We both walked that day when the rain poured, and car's splashed, till our clothes were sticking like the hair on a downed rats. :(

Then the boys, their the same, dealing with life. My grandson is very cute, sparkley greenish eyes, he tells me to walk over almost everyday. He asks me if I can come over, I respond "don't have a car "and his repsonse is " NONNIE JUST WALK ".

.. Hes growing fast. He will be three in Oct.

Love him...


Anonymous said...


That is great - glad you have true friends. Are you staying with your family or what - hey, I read that comment yesterday - what are your plans?

Anonymous said...

when you're coming back to Costa Rica