Friday, July 17, 2020


I'm sure there's thousands of bloggers if not millions, out there giving their version of this world disaster. I can't even call it anything other than that! It's a disaster, it's a war of germs! And what better place to be, then in a tropical environment with lots of nature, clean Air, lots of sunshine and the sounds of birds singing? Where would that be? Costa Rica!

I returned back to Costa Rica, over a year and a half ago. Since my return things have been peaceful, and profitable, renewed old friendships, and I've made lots of brand new friends. This has been a very good thing, and I recommend as a gypsy on a shoe string, This is a great place to wait out this disaster.

Now I live off of a small pension, and try to get side jobs just so I can exist. Not hard here for me at all, in fact there's no way that I could live the way I live, in USA or any other country, the way that I do live here.
So much is going on in the last year and a half it would take me 10 1520 blogs, to get you up to speed as to what has happened to me since I've been There back it's something else honestly. 

Instead of catching up, I'm going to write about how I feel, in this disaster. I don't think in all my years I've ever experienced anything such as this. I won't say that I haven't been through some crazy shit in my life, but I will say, that all of those life experiences that I've gone through, Has helped me to be wise, and calm, and realize that worry is a useless waste of time. That prevention goes farther then trying to fix something after the fact. A lot of us know that right? So from the beginning of me hearing about all of this a number of things went through my head. For example immediately I thought it was invented, control population, prove a point of power, By that I mean now able to control people in a way they never have been able to control. But we all realize it's for our own good, telling us to stay home. Quidate en casa, then I felt disgust, That's such a germ could contaminate the whole world, pretty much devastating the majority of the population.
So what do I do? Call family I talk to them about things, then I realized that I live in a pretty close circuit community, with a mix of different nationalities, and I started talking to them. Right away I knew, that staying away was probably the safest for me.  Now during the past 4.5 months I really realize my choice to stay is the best thing could've ever done.

These past four months, I've been busy creating gardens and landscape, for about six different people. It's been hard not easy work, considering the heat and the torrential rains, but at least I was occupied and made a little cash to pay my food my lights my Internet and cable. The government here has been very strict everywhere you go, is a sink installed in front of businesses or banks or stores, requiring you to wash your hands before you enter. And then it went to demanding us to wear masks and shields, and then it went to taking your temperature and disinfecting your feet before you enter any business or bank or store. Driving restrictions, certain plate numbers Can drive on certain days, and then we went into an orange alert. Orange alert meant driving restrictions, curfews, closed bars discotheques casinos hotels theaters salons, anything that really isn't a necessity as far as they're concerned. And then it went to open them back up, and then close them back down. There's so Many businesses that are closed completely.

Even with all of that, the people remain calm, peaceful, and are trying to obey what the government is ordering all of us to do. A pandemic such as this, I don't believe has ever been experienced in this country. The people are mindful, gentle humble, and are worried about the tourism, That comes from United States. United States happens to be, the biggest source of tourism for this country, millions of dollars comes through that airport, and supports a major portion of this country. With all of the riots, and violence, number of cases, that exists United States at this point, they have decided not to open the borders to USA. That's a huge decision, economically, and physically for the people that live here.

I won't lie I've had my moments of craziness, where I felt like I never see my grandkids or my children again, because me leaving here, would prevent me from returning back to the country. Because I am a resident of USA. So once I leave I can't return. So I'm kind of in limbo, I don't really wanna leave, but I want to see my children and grandchildren. If I had residency in Costa Rica, I could leave, and return. But for some reason I don't qualify for any of the possibilities of residency. I could be a pensionada, but that requires a specific amount of income, and unfortunately mine fell short just a very little bit. I've come to terms with staying, The hopes that the US Embassy allows us somehow to get our passports stamped so that we can remain here. Otherwise who knows what's in store for us. Those of us that live here and have lived here a long time, without residency. Everyone knows this isn't a rich country, it's not glamorous, Known for its nature and wildlife, beautiful beaches, waterfalls and scenic surroundings. The weather! Even though in rainy season, it rains a lot it's still very beautiful and warm, in fact it's more beautiful than it's ever been. Every day I look out my porch, a balcony that overlooks the jungle,With monkeys, lots of birds, Falcons ,parrots, And many other animals. I'm so grateful that I'm in a place that I feel safe, and healthy, and happy to awake every morning! It's a double edge sword, right now very boring we can't go anywhere or do anything, beach is only open from 5:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the morning.Beaches are Patrolled by the police. If you drive on a day you're not supposed to, you're pulled over and your license plates are removed, and you receive a fine. It takes 60 days to get your plates back, so I guess you won't make that mistake again!

In my next blog, I'll post photos of the gardens that I created from beginning to the end, some really pretty some big some  little, All the same very beautiful. I hope you're all making it through this I hope I have some Readers left! Plan on continuing writing, whether you agree with my style or not. It's my choice to blog what I feel and what I see and what I experience. It's now mid July, and who knows how long these borders are going to be closed. I don't believe the country can take much more, the collapse is on the edge.

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