Wednesday, November 15, 2017


As I wandered around enjoying the sites and sounds of the busy little Pueblo I found some interesting things like horses wandering the streets and eating the neighbors grass, hillside views of coffee farms and orange orchards and banana fields covering the mountain sides, the churches so many of them 19, bells ringing as I said earlier, horses riding in the streets with specifically dressed cowboys in the traditional attire for riding, boots of course, and fabulous saddles,  white shirts, the typical Colombian cowboy hat, and a scarf, the horses are very similar to lipisans, they stride as if they are dancing in the streets, spirited and talking all the while transporting there owners to where ever they are wanting to go, I even saw an old horse that was used to carry and transport product waiting in the corner to help who ever was willing to hire them.

hand.  made leather saddles and items in this town 






I continued on my walk for some five hours it was getting hot, the group finally called me and we took tuk tuk which  Is what they use as taxis there to the top of this mountian to overlook the city and see the giant statue of Jesus with his arms spread wide to protect this little cow town. 

I found the purses I spoke about earlier in every shop I was curious and finally asked what they were about, and realized it s like a souvenir of the area, I stumbled onto a shoemaker and spoke with him, he was working  on sandals and other shoes and had a whole collection, When I asked if he did this all his whole life he said yes in the same little tiny shop for over 50 years, I purchased a beautiful handmade pair of sandals with cow fur and dyed leather, the details are so perfect. They charged me 28 thousand. Pesos equaling  Less then ten dollars The name of his shop is. ARCANGEL TIRADO located in the very end of this town tucked into the mountain. 

I will have to post a photo of the ones I purchased , less then ten bucks for his hard work day after day year after year over 50 years WOW nice people. After the mountain trip. The group walked to the botanical garden for me it was over I walked some 5 hours so I did not go with them but took a tuk tuk instead, went and had local ice cream and walked back to beautiful quiet restful house ok off my shoes eased my sore feet on the cool tile floors and talk to my son on Facebook, then took a nap only after taking some more photos, It eneded far to short and I am ever so grateful for the YASA FLORAL Company for allowing me to experience this once in a life time event! The weekend was the weekend of saints I heard so there was a procession that I posted on my facebook page Marianna Love, and a few other photos! Back to Rionegro far too soon! I thinkI could live there it was so. Pleasant so laid back, the weather perfect, and very inexpensive by the way my breakfast that day cost me $2.00 it included a huge if not massive bowl of coffee with cream, a sausage of chorizo Colombia style, Cheese, Colombian style, Two eyes, and fried Plantain! Ice cream was a $1.00 for 3 scoops YEP THREE SCOOPS!


Unknown said...

You should be a photographer. The pictures are stunning

Unknown said...

You should have been a photographer, the pictures are stunning !

Marianna said...

So beautiful there!! Love Jerico