Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Goat a Rooster, church, the sounds of South America

Mornings are usually the most pleasant time of day for most people, I have a couple of times of day that are my favorite. Let me describe to you my space, I rent a room that is actually quite large in my friends Hostel, called Pura Vida in Colombia, located in Rionegro San Antonio. This is the old part of Rionegro that is now developing into an attraction for weekend fun. This room is on the second story of a three story house with 7 bedrooms, I have a private bath a small sofa,a balcony now with two chairs and plants.  The room has a glass wall of French doors, it looks out to a very small triangular green space they call it, a crudely planted.  Area of bamboo, with shrubs inclosing it, one or two large hybiscus,a wheel barrow planted with flowers. And a few small other plants. In the morning I love to just open the doors, hear the birds,sip my coffee and really not do much, just meditate, write emails, look at facebook and chat. At first, it was trucks and motorcycles, below us in one of the condos is a manufacturing of baked goods of all things, someone has turned two condos into a business in a small strip street with no way out, and no cultisack for the trucks or motors who deliver the stuff  to turn around. So as I was saying at first it was them, the sounds of them early on in the morning, the garbage trucks at 4 am, motorcycles peeping for others. Literally so much noise in the morning you can not sleep past five. Then all of sudden this past week I heard a small naaaaa in the background!         Beyond the living bamboo wall is an academy for children, a school for elementary children, in this school they have animals. Now a new goat, I heard it naaaaing and crying early in the morning, and then a day or two later chickens and roosters. BOY Colby my grandson would be scared to death, he use to hate the sound of a rooster! All this week was the sounds of these animals waking me up, finally got one of the motorcycle guys to stop honking his horn at five am in front of our house, that was a challenge. But yes he stopped! Here we are in an urban surrounding, a new 10 story building           butted up next to this house with construction going on daily, the sounds of dogs, animals, children singing karaoke at the school and best of all Sunday Morning praise and worship across the road at the entrance to our place. YES the first Sunday was not so bad, the second sunday killed me so many off key singers, I just wanting to shut my door and blast music up! The last Sunday seemed it would never end, I was praying they would just stop!!  Sound, SOUNDS, lots of different sounds in Latin        America.                            

        When I mention sounds my frien d  Helen gets a bit offended in fact told me wow you sure have a sensitive ear. I don't think its sensitive, what it is, is. Unfamiliar sounds and noises, plus I have this kind of hearing that I am able to hear something and actually recreate the sounds especially animals.                  . I am the type of person that notices everything, I am a detailed person very detailed.  She hears nothing and is affected by very little, where as I hear everything and different things affect me in many ways.
Today is fairly quiet, only birds the goat and the rooster are chanting, no church as of yet. This past week was just nearly cleaning up this house, and doing what I can to help her get this place in a better shape. I planted out front, bought bird of paradise, some purple sweet potato vines and lime green sweet potato vines, its a tiny space. It was filled with cigarette butts, bottle caps and rocks. Then I helped clean up the side area, thats another story another day wow! Then I am working on her furniture, I painted an old cabinet and all her chairs separately different colors to add some life to the small dark eating area and kitchen. We walked a lot this week, miles and miles actually. I got to see the other part of Rionegro, Its separated in parts, the downtown area with all commercial. Shopping and plazas old world style, and the colonial area here where we are, with tile rooves, old style buildings, horses still allowed in the streets, and people mostly walking all over. Its quite interesting and noisy. 
We did walk to a huge store much like Home Depot called Home Center, actually its better than Home Depot has everything you can think of and its a huge warehouse over two blocks of products. I loved it, she hates it says its over priced but when I calculated out the pricing its about half if not less than half of USA pricing. I bought the two patio chairs for 11 dollars each that was pretty cheap!

When walking you see things you normally don't see when driving or riding, I dont mind walking at all. Walking is what most people do here.
Then the weekend came, we got up and went to the local pulpuria, that is a small grocery everything store on a corner or next to normal houses, this is where the weekend older guys hang out and have drinks together. Very instesteing, I just sat and watch Helen knew them all because she has lived here for years and years.  I just sat and watched and listen to the funny old Colombian men. Then we walked to yet another little area and had a coffee.    

The plaza is preparing for the weekend, everyone setting up food stands and merchandise to sell Sunday is an interesting day around here,people come from all over to eat and enjoy coffee, and drinks. 


Unknown said...

I love your blog from Costa Rica

Kristof said...

We love these hot nights in tropics..