Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Part three Threats

So from that day on I did not leave the house at night at all when before I would walk down town since it is close have a cappucino talk with people sit at my friends coffee shop and simply watch people. Or go out to dinner, and dance go to Monkey bar or one of the other places to dance. It has been more than nine months or so that I have not done any of that. I would see them on the streets passing in there black windowed cars, there is one he has red rims on a black car, hes a biggie hes been here a long time smashed the legs of transvestes here to get them off the streets, of course probably paid by the Beatle bar to do that so it would not effect the business. The other is from limon, so three to five guys here that do all the same thing. Control the streets with drugs and do most of the crimes here. Its been a rough year, hardly any work. Although I been in a postive frame and getting little jobs here and there. I Did manage to do Los Suenos this past Christmas but the budget was ridiculous for a huge resort, even though they lend help for me, and fed me and picked me up and dropped me off with their private bus service. But Seriously it wasn't enough money took me 6 days and when I finished it I flew out to USA and stayed with my son and his new girlfriend for two months and just cooked up a storm. When I returned the woman that lived next store was still at it. Clint my assistant and good friend was here all along he came in November. He told me that She partied constant while Iwas away. Well it was the second day I was here.
The party went on from the middle of night till late that afternoon but not with out trouble.
About ten am, I saw many Columbian girls and some Columbian guys and some really bad people I have seen out and in the streets. The big black man was there too, they were all out on the balcony in front of my place. The balcony is a two person wide and very long. I have a sofa out there cute in zebra and lots of big pots and plants everywhere. Well~~~~~~~ it went like this they were drunk and of course using drugs. They all sat on the rail and on my sofa and then began to talk about me.. lies she made up all kinds of lies they began kicking my window. Drugs and alcohol causes people do such horrible things and to inocent people too. I was frightened and scared I closed the blind. Mind you I woke up to this, I got low on the floor and went to the side of the apartment where no windows or doors where. I saw the lady that lives below the owner of the girl nexts door apartment. She banged on the door they had gone in and they began to fight. Then another woman and two other girls went down stairs and they began to fight. It was s huge womans brawl.. but strong not like AMERICAN WOMEN I MEAN MEANNNNNNNNNNNN women.. ok her and Angelica fist fought and she told her to get out of the apartment and to shut the music up. Then the shit hit the fan, some guy came out and began shooting. I heard gun shots I called the police they came in many cars Angelica called the police I think at the same time. More came but the idiots didn't even know how to manage the guns they had. The fumbled about dropping a big automatic gun. When someone next door through the trees fired on one of the police, he didnt know what to do. It was awefull I laid on the floor scared and trembling. Then the people little by little left but only after threating her and shaking fists at my apartment. Mind you I did nothing its just the type of people ok not good.. hour past, the police came again every hour for three days the police came and then I suggested to Angelica put up a camera to watch who comes in a out of here so she did. That caused a rukus, then came the eviction. But the girl didn't move she kept making more parties untill about three months later finally moved out wow what I day of celebration but from those day forward I was carefull not to be out alone not to walk at night and not to be near the street.

More tomorrow

Monday, June 21, 2010

Part two of the threats

Ok so I know now how dangerous and serious it is and who they are in reality. It becomes more and more frightening as time goes by. The level of crime rises here last year, fewer tourists as the economy weakens and the crisis is now in effect here. The drug dealers doing more and more crimes and the police doing less and less. One day I was working on this event, I had to go do San Jose to talk to big companies I walked for miles that day in down town San Jose, my feet had blisters all over them and I was pretty exhausted from the work, walking and little food.

I came home late around 8:30 got off the bus this is a two and half hour ride to Jaco. I got off the bus walked about two blocks in the dark with the heels I had on all day, sore and tired and exhausted I heard loud loud music. In my head I said NO PLEASE NO NO MORE PARTIES PLEASE NO MUSIC TONIGHT! then as I approached and got closer to the little bridge near the invu a poverish area near where I live I saw about 15 or more guys standing right next to the bridge were I was about to enter. The music was the car of a big black man, who lives here the doors were wide open and he was on the phone, With whom??? when I began to enter one of them said oh there she is, another one said Now she will know! I heard that they thought I didn't speak Spanish and I literally RAN AS HARD AS I COULD ACROSS THE BRIDGE in FEAR. I saw the car of the one who threatened me he was parked below using the excuse of cleaning their previous lived apartment. But in reality he was waiting for the person in side to drop things down and put in the car and transfer this into the other car in front. IM SURE THIS IS WHAT HAPPEN. When I got up the stairs the nieghbors blinds were closed I saw my blinds were closed??? CURIOUS I NEVER CLOSE THE BLINDS.. I began screaming someone ran, I open the door and the house was a diaster. The stole everything just about. I ran outside immeditately and screamed at the guy ( I know wrong thing now to do but I was so pist off I knew it was him and IT WAS HIM) he drove out fast, probably passed the stuff to the one in front, and then he drove back in an acted like he was shocked at what was going on. I called the police they came did nothing. The thief came up and walked into my house as the police was there, NEVER BEFORE HAS HE ENTERED I told him to get out now screaming. I said you are behind this you are behind this. He held his hands up in my face and see have them check for finger prints my hands are clean.. YEA Ok right.. It was a disasterous night, when the police left I told the Owner down stairs imagine this she never saw anything? PLEASE... I ask her why she permitted him back in there when she knew with all the trouble they had with them and not paying there power bill in her name? while she was talking to him. I scooched into the apartment below this happend fast ok? and I looked around to see what he was cleaning? there were no cleaning materials no brooms no nothing NOTHING.. so he used opening up the apartment as the excuse they climbed up and got into the small window on the side and busted up things and stole my tv, camera, ipod, and more. SAD I never did replace them. Never had the money. Well when I noticed that I took note. He finally left but I was scared to death and the house was a shambles and I could not sleep for more than a week , nor did I feel to go out of the house. ( MORE TOMORROW)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well Im back, STILL IN COSTA RICA But wow what a story

Well Im back, Were do I begin and how do people catch up with me and begin following the blog once more?
Ok its been almost a year since I have entered a post on this blog, many reasons. One was I was working on an event for Costa Rica that took many months of hard driving mad pounding your head into the wall work. It fell through~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since then I had two trips to USA to visit my son who is now not with the bruja he spent almost 6 years that practically ruined his and my life. THANK GOD THATS OVER! All I could ever do was just pray she would leave him. It was worse than that wasn't that simple of course. So now hes moved on to a beautiful young woman who is a treasure to know and actually respect me as far away as I am. Lots of things in life have changed in a year. Amazing how the world has gone through so many different changes in a year??? I have continued with trying to work in design, with hit an miss jobs here and there I toyed with the idea of moving back to USA. Only to have mad outright fights with myself not to go back. I love my Sons, my grandson, but I still have lots of life left in me to see more and do more, so as of now not returning.
Staying in Costa Rica is a questions though??
There is so much to tell! A year ago this place was a mad house, the complex where I live was filled with people living here. Mind you this property could be so beautiful its a little island of land, with the river flowing next to it surrounded with trees. Not far away about 200 meters is the sea. In the mornings you hear the roosters crow the dogs barking the birds singing and sometimes the sounds of Macaws and toucans screaming out there crys. There are four apartments. Large like Condos. Mine is filled with ferns attached to the railins, large chinese palms and lots of tropical plants with more than 13 orchids. My chairs are coverd in a green and white zebra print with a sofa for three in the center of the balcony for gazing out. A year ago this building was completely occupied. Below: I young handsomes tall Tico with a beautiful dark haired columbiana. He was a drug dealer, she at times worked as a puta in the bars. For a while things were fine and quiet, I never knew what he did but was curious about the different people who came to pick him up in the morning or at night.
Soon they began fighting like cat's and dogs. The Girl next door also a put was best friends with the girl below. Constant partying began from 3 am to 1:00 pm sometimes Loud thumping house music, and crazy drunk drugged people in and out and disrupting my life. I was miserable I couldn't move paralized by them practically. Moving to a new place was difficult ,since spent my money to move seeing my children in USA. While all this partying was going on I was staying away from my house, keeping out of site of the crazy, spending time trying to meet people and laying out on the beach. Jaco as just completley fell apart here in the last year. Well the party escalated to full blown Minaical craziness. People coming and going. I feel asleep early one evening on the sofa I live up on top you have to come up the stairs next to the other apartment and walk around the balcony to get to mine right? well someone came in while I was sleeping, Probably the girl next door and stole my camera and my phone and left me laying. In the Morning I woke up because my alarm did not go off on the phone. I was suppose to get up early that day to Go so San jose for this job I was working on. I searched frantically for the phone and couldn't find it then I looked to the end of the bar and found my camera was gone. I was so mad and scared as to who entered the house while I slept and took these things? The Ejoyment of Costa Rica after that day left me, I began to wonder and toy as I said about what I should do. It didn't stop there.
The little Gal below, Beautiful tiny bodied big boobied Columbiana with raving black hair had come to me some months back about making her some curtains, I had sewn draperies and pillows for the girl next to me ( her friend) And so she wanted me to fix up her place. I agreed, not knowing what she was at that time or what he was. She gave me some cash a hundred dollars. Well on this very day that I went to San jose the phone and camera stolen I went and got her fabric to sew the draperies. Not realizing they were in on this robbery.
Long story short I never made the drapes, My machine I borrowed broke no one here to repair it so I return it, and tried to find someone else with a machine. Ended up one day he was below me yelling at me to come out! I came out on the balcony, never have talk to this guy before. he demanded I sew the drapes. I explained what had happened. He was furious! demanded I do it now. I was unaware of all these facts that I shared but I knew they were all friends. He never entered any of the parties next door, he was out working the streets. Well in a short time, I heard the neighbor lets say her name was Marie euengia and Christina were talking on the my sofa on the balcony. My window is always open when I am home and Iwas on the computer.I could hear them wispering and saying something like just tell her its ok and take the fabric and then we will get back later? Well I didnt understand that and was not really listening close as I was busy but did hear it. You know kinda half listening?
Later a week or so she came to me asking for the fabric I had offered during the demading earlier to take the fabric and have someone else make the drapes. He wanted his money back, but I didn't charge to sew them for the nieghbor it was a gesture of kindness and favor. Same for her, Just pay for the fabric. I gave her the reciept she could see I spent a little more than she gave me. Took it never said a word.
Next day he ask for the money didn't want the fabric. Bigger reasons Im sure. I told him I didn't have it on me right now and that he had the fabric now and to just have someone make the draperies. Well about two days later on a Sunday afternoon I was walking to my friends restuarant at the end of town when a small car came barreling down the road and jumped the curb and almost hit me I heard it and saw it and ran off the side walk into a field and then crossed the street. I ran and kept running, they chased me and cornered me. It was them. They demanded the money or they were going to harm me. Seriously at that point I didn't even have 20 dollars in the bank. So how could I give the money and the fabric. Now I realize of course! WHO HE WAS AND HOW DANGEROUS THEY BOTH WERE.. ok now im really scared but thinking its best to stay in and not go out at all for a while. Never telling anyone this happened.
Come back tomorrow for the rest of this and a continuation of the life of Marianna in Costa Rica/ Spain/Costa Rica and now where??