Friday, December 03, 2010

DEC 2010

ITs been a really hectic couple of weeks, My office job is not exactly what I bought on for but I am grate ful at this point to have the job. I am working daily on figuring out the business I came here to do. Which is Chocolate, Flowers, and great wine and coffee. We have found several locations but they have fallen through, one was rent was outrageous great spot perfect to me, with a house above incredible possibilities, then the situations is this: the people live in USA old Islanders, the house has been vacant dying to be restored and brought back to life and I have the power and the vision to do it. THe issue is in reality, if I do this and spend lots to invest in it its all done they die or decide to sell? then what? They refused to come down on the rent, and the interior is only sheet rock, there is no electrical finished work, its all finish work that needs to be done, no bathrooms done its all like in the the last stages of remodle. TO ME PERFECT to make an example of what I can do to a place! and the location is sooooooooooo cool. WIth great walk by and all the cruise ship people come directly to that spot. We couldn't negociate nor do they want to, its been empty for years. The second place, got rented the day before I could talk to the guy, the third. ANOTHER GREAT LOCATION!! CORNER OF WEST END Going to WEST BAY, been empty for a number of years too. Large location with everything I need and a place to design the garden and add structures like I want. The interior is all wood some modifications have to be done and thats ok! the equipment is almost all there even the bar. Ok so we got to the second stage with this one, It is a Tall Italian guy strange looking, weird looking and acting, First we found out that he has these apartments in the back. People walk directly through this location and in the back of it to get to those apartments. We talked about that and I told him that has to be resolved, he tried to convince me of letting them come thru day and night with a gaurd I SAID ABSOLUTELY NOT! not if you have all kinds of things in there and where would you put them, every night, he told me I would have to pay for a new entrance to the apartments. I thought about it and figured out a solution to it , a side entrance which he already had a gate. Simply build some steps costing roughly $80 dollars. So I agreed, then I saw that it smelled like cat piss and caca everywhere I noticed alot of cats and asked who are all these cats belonging too??? he said mine! I Said 30 cats? he said yes i said what in the world??? I said well that is a huge problem I told him he needed to remove the cats he said don't touch the cats. ITS AN OBSESSION that many cats, told me he spends like 400 a month for cat food, I laughed! then he asked for a 6 grand deposit for nothing. Didn't go towards rent nothing. I LAUGHED AGAIN, Robber ok down right nutty robber. Sick shame too the location is gold. I wouldn't kill the cats, although my son said get a bb gun! spraying them water wont remove them they wil return and spray everything. He said if you remove my cats I will be depressed, and I think that the amount of rent I am asking for is not worth removing the cats! laughing again I thought wow what a stinking shame this is, Corner place has the right size the right rent, the right equipment the perfect location on a corner could be come a landmark, and all because of cats and well his deposit probably so he could go to Italy and ski. (He mention to me he was going in January to ski) So still in the same position, still need a car, still want to do what I have dreamed about for years. I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, I see the place.... It has a cool front a garden that I designed with beautiful tables made from natural things, roots and wood trunks, glass tops and stone, lots of bamboo and lights, a water feature either in the corner or the center, Candles at night with coral art work that we have created from all the pieces and interesting things that wash up from the reef. When you walk it the colors are extreme from red on the bottom fading to chocolate at the top, a rounded bar with awesome stools, Lounging sofas in pretty colors, of hot pink and reds and chocolates, Fresh flowers abound in beautiful glass vases on glass tables made from nature. In fact there are sculptures that we made from wood, and articles of the sea. I REALLY INTERESTING PLACE AND FUN TO BE IN, the smell of the flowers fill the air, the coffee draws your attention and then the smell of chocolate. Imagine all that! wow... really sensual! I know I am capable again. All those years in the floral industry all those years of working 15 to 17 hours a day producing incredible designs and creations for hundreds of people, insures me that I am capable of doing this again only this time more refined, and with the addition of almost everything I love! AMOR Y PASSCIONE! the love of flowers, chocolate and coffee, the passion of wine and life. IT WILL HAPPEN ALL I KNOW IS I FEEL IT I SEE IT AND no matter how this looks, Im am keeping the dream... dreams can happen. HOW is not my place to know its to know I have this dream for many years but now its really clear as to what... and I know its going to come.. I am waiting for you amor with all my passion.